Nov., 1913
MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 237 September 23, 1913, at 8 p.m., with President Carriger in the chair and the following mem- bers present: Mrs. Burnham, Messrs. Bryant, Burnham, Camp, Carriger, Heinemann, J. Mailliard, Pemberton, Ray, Shelton, Storer, and W. P. Taylor. The meeting was open to the public and about one hundred visitors were present. Mr. Oluf J. Heinemann spoke on "Bird Photography" and illustrated his remarks with numerous lantern slides. He described the methods used in photographing birds with fixed focus, view, and reflecting cameras. The various accessories useful in various situations were described and their uses ex- plained. Mr. Heinemann then showed a series of lantern slides made by himself and others of local birds. Among the pictures were those of the Grey-crowned Leucosticte and the Cali- fornia Pine Grosbeak which-. have appeared recently in THe: Cor)oR. A very good series of slides made by Mr. Heinemann on. a re- cent trip to the Farallon Islands concluded the exhibition. The several species of cor- morants, the Western Gulls and the Cali- fornia Murres were well represented in.these views. After the lecture the business of the meetr ing was considered. The minute} of the August meeting were read and approved and the Southern Division minutes for. Aug.ust were read. Mrs. A. S. Allen was elected to member - ship. The names of Edwin S. Parker, 1737 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, Cal., proposed by J. Grinnell, and P. C. Dutton, 26 Litchfield Road, Stone Staffs, England, proposed by H. W. Carriger, were read. Following a suggestion from H. S. Swarth, secretary of the Southern Division, it was decided to enter the names of new members only once in the minutes of each division and not twice as heretofore. Mr. A. L. Cowell, Field Secretary for the California Bureau of Conventions and So- cieties, of the Panama Pacific International Exposition, was present and spoke to the Club on the matter of having as many as possible of the ornithological societies of the United States meet in San Francisco in 1915 dur- ing the exposition. The members expressed a hearty sympathy in the matter. Mr. Cowell also discussed the possibility of an interna- tional conservation congress being held at the time of the fair and read several letters show- ing the world wide interest in the idea. Mr. W. P. Taylor and others discussed the mat- ter. It was decided to have the President appoint a committee of three members to con- sider the matter and report at the October meeting. Adjourned.--TR^c I. S'o, Sec- retary. OcToB;R--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Orni.- thological Club was held in Room 10i, East Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Cali- fornia, on Thursday evening, October 23, 1913, at 8 ?. t. President Carriger was in the chair with the following members present: Mes-- dames Allen and Grinnell, the Misses Atsatt and Wythe, and the Messrs. Bade, Bryant, Clarke, Dawson, Grinnell, Moran, Silliman, Storer, Trenor, Weed and Willerr. Over twenty-five visitors were present. The pro- gram of the evening was first presented. Mr. W. Leon Dawson gave an illustrated account of some of the more interesting species of birds that he has encountered in his field- work in the interests of his "Birds of Cali- fornia." The business of the meeting was then taken up. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved and the minutes of the Southern Division for September were read. The names read at the last meeting were elected to membership. The following new applications were read: Miss Louise Le Bris, 2569 Clay St., San Francisco, proposed by J. Grinnell; Miss O'live Swezy, 533 Dur- ane Ave., Berkeley, proposed by Tracy I. Storer; and Chas. H. Culp, Pacific Grove, proposed by O. P. Silliman. In addition the names presented at the Southern 'Division were read. A'communication from Mr. W. Leon Daw- son stating the progress of the work on the "Birds of California" and making certain re- quests for aid and cooperation from the Club was read. The aid is requested on the fol- lowing points: (i) knowledge of the little- known species accredited to the State; (2) data as to the migrations of the various species in the State; (3) appointment of a commit- tee or individual to vise the technical por- tions of the work. Mr. Dawson commented briefly on the contents of the letter. It was decided to use the columns of "Txe Cono" to secure information regarding the little known species and regarding migrations. A motion was carried authorizing the President and Secretary of the Northern Division to act with the corresponding officers of the Southern Division as a committee in slecting one member from the Club at large to confer with Mr. Dawson. The Committee consisting of W. P. Tay- lor, H. C. Bryant and Joseph Mailliard, ap- pointed in accordance with a motion passed at the September meeting to look into the mat- ter of a conservation congress in San Fran- cisco in 1915, rendered its report, which was accepted. There being no further business the meet- ing adjourned.--Tc I. SoR;, Secretary.