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Henry Burrotibet Kaeding(with one photo by W. Otlo I:'nerson) Joseph 21Iailliard 191 Notes on the Eggs of the North American Limicolae, referring principally to the Accidental Visitors ........................................................................... Herbert iErassey 193 Some further Notes on Sierran Field-work (with four photos by Oluf J. I-leinemann) ................................................................................... illilion S. Ray 198 Identification by Camera (with two photos by the author) William Leon Dawson 204 Some Curious Nesting Places of the Allen Hummingbird on the Rancho San Geronimo (with one photo by the author) .................... Joseph llfailliard 205 The Birds of San Martin Island, Lower California (with six photos by the author) ..................................................................................................... Howard II x. WriKht 207 A Mnemonic Device for Color-workers ................................... William Leon Dawson 211 A Practical System of Color Designation .................................... William Leon Dawson 212 P,reliminary Report upon the Disease Occurring among the Ducks of the Southern San Joaquin Valley during the Fall of 1913 (with eleven photos by the author and one diagram) ................................................................. Frank C. Clarhe 214 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Two Stragglers on the Oregon Coast ........................................ Stanley G. Jetreft 226 Nesting of the Band-tailed Pigeon ............................................ WriKht 21. Pierce 227 Late Nesting of Certain Birds in Arizona ............................. _Frank C. Willard The Sabine Gull in the Santa Barbara Channel .................. Iuroward II x. WriKht 227 Nesting Notes from San Diego County .................................. laurence 1Ill. Huey 228 Dry Season Notes .................................................................. Joseph 2}[ailliard 228 Note on the Guadalupe Caracura ........................................................ H. S. Swarth 228 Sharp-shinned Hawk Nesting in Arizona .............................. Frank C. Willard 229 Note on the Ashy Petrel ....................................................... Howard W. WriKht 229 Three New Birds from Eastern Oregon .................................... Stanley G. Jeweft 229 Spotted Owls in San Diego County .......................................... Laurence 11f. Iuruey 229 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................................... 230 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ......................................................................... 231 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................................................. 236 INDEX TO VOLUME XV ........................................................................... 238 Entered us second-class matter lebruar. 18. at the pozt office at Los Anglos (Holllwood Station). California. under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. Avifauna Number 9 is now ready for distribution. Avifauna Number tO is in press. In the past it has been customary for the management to send all Avi- faunas free to members in good standing. This worked nicely enough until we began to print so many that it became a serious drain upon the pocket-books of the few members who were called upon each time for donations. From now on we will sell publications according to the plan given below. We are not going to refuse any donations even now, and, occasionally, will seek them. To any one caring to make a donation to the Avifauna fud, we can give assurance that it will be carefully used for the good of the cause and will be very much appreciated. We are going to adopt the following policy: Avifaunas will be sold to members at OE-HArV Ta RIGUL.R advertised selling prices. Back volumes of THE CO9O will be sold to Cooper Club members at 25 dis- count from the regular advertised selling prices. The proceeds of the sale of these back publications will constitute a fund for the printing of more Avifaunas. We believe this plan will work out with a fairness to all concerned,and we expect our Club members to complete their files of the Club's publications while these are obtain- able. Some are very scarce now and will soon be out of print. Address W. LEE CHAMBERS, Business Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California YOUR 1914 DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE and we ask you to send them direct to J. EUGENE LAW, Business Manager, Hollywood, California

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