LIST OF SPECIES NOTED IN THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA BETWEEN JUNE 9 and 14, 1910 1 Actiris macularius. Spotted Sandpiper .................... 2 Oreortyx picta plumi[era. Mountain Quail ................ x 3 Dendragapus obscurus sierrae. Sierra Grouse ............. x 4 Accipiter atricapillus striatulus. Western Goshawk ........ 5 Buteo borealis calurus. Western Redtail ................. xx 6 Aquila chrysaetos. Golden Eagle.. ....................... x 7 Dryobates villosus hyloscopus. Cabanis Woodpecker ...... x xx 8 Xenopicus albolarvctus. White-headed Woodpecker ....... xx 9 Shyraicus varius daggetti. Sierra Sapsucker ............ x xx 10 Sphyrapicus thyroideus Williamson Sapsucker ............ x x 11 Colapres caier collaris. Red-shafted Flicker .............. x x 12 Chordeiles virginianus hesperis. Pacific Nighthawk ....... 13 Stellula calliope. Calliope Hummingbird .................. x 14 Nuttallornis boreali& Olive-sided Flycatcher ............. x x 15 Myiochanes richardsoni rlchardsmi. Western Wood Pewee x x 16 Enpidonax wrighti (presumably). Wright Flycatcher ..... x xx 17 Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis. Blue-fronted Jay ............. x x 18 Nucifraga.columbiana. Clarke Nutcracker ................ x x 19 Heseriphona vespertina montana. Western Evening Grosbeak x 20 Pinicola californica. California Pine Grosbeak ............ x x 21 Carodacus casxini. Cassin Purple Finch ................. x x 22 Loxia curvirostra bendirei. Sierra Crossbill .............. xx 23 Leucosticte tephrocotis tephrocotis. *Gray-crowned Leuco- sticte ......................... : ...................... -... x 24 Spinus pinus pinus. Pine Siskin ......................... x x 25 Zonotrichia leucophrys leucohrys. White-crowned Sparrow x x 26 9pizeila passerina arizonae. Western Chipping Sparrow.. x x 27 Junco oreganus thurberi. Sierra Junco ................... x x 28 Melospiza melodia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow .... x 29 MeIospiza lincolni lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow .............. xx 30 Passerella iliaca megarhyncha. Thick-billed Fox Sparrow.. x xx 31 Oreospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee ................. xx 32 Zamelodia melanocephala capitalis. Black-headed Grosbeak.. x 33 Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager ................... x x 34 Iridoprocne bicolor. Tree Swallow ...................... x 35 Fi'eosylva gilva swainsoni. Western Warbling Vireo ...... x 36 Dendroica aestlva brewsterl. California Yellov Warb- ler ................................................... 37 Dendroica auduboni auduboni. Audubon Warbler ......... x 38 Wilsonia pusilla chryseola. Golden Pileolated Warbler... xx 39 Cinclus nexicanus unicolor. American Dipper ........... 40 Troglodytes aedon parkmani. Parkman Wren ............ 41 Certhia familiaris zelotes. Sierra Creeper ................ 42 Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Slender-billed .Nuthatch ....... 43 Sitta canadensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch .............. 44 Penthestes gainbell. Mountain Chickadee ................. 45 Regulus calenduIa calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet ...... 46 Hylocichla ustulata ustulata. Russet-backed Thrush ...... 47 Hylocichla guttara sequoiensis. Sierra Hermit Thrush ..... 48 Planesticus migratorius propinquus. Western Robin ...... 49 Sialia currucoides. Mountain Bluebird ................... xx Not recorded by Barlow. Observed only above 9300 feet elevation. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xx xx x xx x x x x x x x