For Sale, Exchange and Want Colttmn.--In this space member
of the Coopar Club are allowed one notice in each issue free o[ charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CtlAtBRS, Eale Rock, Los Angeles County, California. OFFERED--Fine sets eggs with full data, A. O. U.17--9--11-- 13--27.--30--32--34--35--.31-- --40.---51--5678--81 86 ----92.11011 11117-- 1191 132136--138143148 152159--171.1 179 195213217220 222--227229243 - 25225326026726 269.12717276 283285301302336 44753354a35 358.1359.176 737951275285345394 69847-764--765 and many others; also kins of most of ave. Wanted: exchange offers in fine adult skins 101311224 231 239240241242246261 254255 252627227337 387 388 0, etc.; also full ts eggs of most of waders mentioned above, and of 60229619703--761, etc. Send lists and receive mine. All letters an- swered. C.uLs Jvvuvs, !KesI, al, E,gland. Norc.--F Mr. Bent's continuation of pt. Bendire's "Life IIistories of North Amer- ican Birds", nesting photos, and the loan of downy yonng and specimens in juvenal plmu- age of most of the following scies are needed: A. O. U. nos. 4-51226-29--30a9 577493 93.1-- 103-- 106.1 --101--10 108.1--113 - 114.1--115.1--12--122--123128 --132--141--142--143--167--178. What is need- ed most of all is the cperation of every orni- thologist in the state. Send in all unpublished notes of interest regarding the above birds and you will get full credit for all you contribute. In order to have California well covered it is nssary for each one to do his share, for the state is a big one. Address A. B. HOWELL, Cna, Cal Fou Exc.g.sirable skins of Flori& aml Eastern scie; 575a, 549, 5 and many others. Want 546a, 547a, 550a, and other Please nd list of duplicates to spare in ex- change for my list. C.W. Lioln St, oston, o Sx.The u& vol. 6 except no. 3. Want to purchase early humors of the Journal of the Maine Ornitholica! ciety. S. IIaTHXW&e, O 166, rovidence, . L WANTED.--Vols. 1, 2, 3 of TR CONDOR. For the 3 volumes in original covers I will ex- change a fine set of the Vaux Swift, with 6 eggs. This is a chance to cure these rare eggs. If interested write. C.I. CIA, Eu- reka, Calif. FOR SALE.--First four vo!nmes of The Condor, including the rare "Bulletin."--F. S. DAOOETT, 283.1,31enlo ,4ve., Los ,4ngeles, Calif. NIDIOLOGIST$ FOR SALE--Vol. II, complete, $1..50; vol. III, complele, $2.00; vol. IV, com- plete, $1.$0, in parts as issued, with covers; as new. W. L 11 CHAMBIRS, Eagle Rock, Los .dngeles Co., Calif. FOR SALE.--Clean copies of Bulletin Cooper Club, vol. I, nos. 1, 2, 5; The Co,dot, vol. 2, no. 4, vol. 4, no. 6. Best offer takes them.J. H. CLARK, Palerson, Aew Jersey. WANTED. Nidio1ogist, vol. I, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11; vol. II, no. 2, 8, 11; vol. III, no. 1; vol. IV, no. 9; Osprey, new series, vol. I, no. 4, 5. O. WIDMANN, M0. Von Versen SI. Louis, ilIo. FOR F. XCHANGEIIany desirable South- ern California Birds eggs in full sets with data. Rufous-erowned Sparrow, Pallid Wren-tits and others, all A 1. Send me ybur lists.--L. HuE, $2nd de Clay ,4re., San Diego, California. WANTED.Live bats for photographing and study. If you know of any colonies, correspond with:--J. GRINNELL, ;iruseum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Calif. WANTED.--Offer for complete file of 7'he Condor. Printer's copies. In A No. 1 condi- tion. NACE PRINTING COMPANY, 171 .Sanla Clara Street, San Jose, CaL WANTED FOR CAsH.--Complete set or parts of 2"e Condor, Oologist, Bird-Lore, Wilson Bulletin, Ornithologist & Oologist and The Condor, vols. I to X, inc.; Am. Ornithology, Birds, Birds and Nature; also books by Coues, Torrey, C. C. Abbott, Keyset, Mrs. Bailey, Ridg- way, N. S. Gos J.W. Sw;x;, Stockport, Ohio.