A Correction.--A femalfi duck taken by the writer at Colnett, Lower California, April 8, 1912, and recorded as Chaulelasmus streperus (.COnDoR xV, 1913, p. 21), was wrongly identified, being in reality a Baldpate (Mareca americana).--G. A Note on the Plumage of the Linnet.--While looking up fruit prospects near Ma- dera, California, April 9, 1913, I noticed a male Linnet (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalls) in a large cage hanging under the porch of a farm dwelling. The brilliant yellow color of the head, throat and rump at once attracted my attention, it being only the second yellow linnet that I had seen in thirteen years observation in the San Joaquin Valley. Inquiry of the owner elicited the information that he had taken the bird from a nest in his orchard sixteen years ago, feeding it by hand for the first week or two. It was also stated positively that in the first adult plumage assumed by this linnet thecolored areas were uniformly yellow, and at no time since had there been a trace of red leathering. Each spring the yellow coloring becomes very pronounced, but appears to gradually fade out as summer advances. This bird has recently become blind but appears to be in perfect health.-- Joa G. A Winter Home of the Anna Hummingbird.--I often wonder why so many of us neglect to send in notes which we must realize are of particular interest to others. In the May number of Ta: Coo, I note the enthusiasm Mrs. Charlotte M. Wilder shows upon noting the appearance almost daily, of an Anna Hummingbird in her garden at Ferndale, Humboldt County, California. This beautiful hummer is a regular winter resident in Humboldt County. Its first appearance is about the 20th of August. From that date on until February or March the Anna Hummingbird (Calypte anna) can be seen about various flower gardens, hovering over the brighter flowers or sitting at rest under the leaves of a bush in the shade, very seldom in the sunshine. On September 8, 1910, I took from the lower branches of a mock orange bush in Eureka a specimen of the Anna Hummingbird. It was an adult, and dissection proved it to be a male bird. Several days after, another of these birds took up residence in the garden, remaining through the winter. Seldom have I seen two of these birds remain iu the same garden at one time. The Allen Hummingbird Cgelasphorus alleni) can usually be seen about the same flowers in close proximity with C. anna.--C. I. CA. Some 1913 Spring Notes from the Bitter Root Valley, Montana.--Sialia sialis. Eastern Bluebird. On March 10, this spring, I saw an Eastern Bluebird feeding with a flock of Mountain Bluebirds. Being familiar with the former species in Minnesota I could not have been mistaken in the identity as it was closely observed for some time. Pisobia bairdi. Baird Sandpiper. On May 18 I saw two Baird Sandpipers close to a slough. This is my only spring record for Montana, though they are common in fall. Steganopus tricolor. Wilson Phalarope. On June 7 I collected an adult female of this species. This is the only record for the valley as far as I know.--BAD The White-tailed Kite near Palo Alto.On March 17, 1912, I observed a pair of White-tailed Kites (Elanus ieucur,s) at "Ravenswood," a place about three miles north- west of Palo Alto. These birds circled around several times and did not seem at all wild. They uttered their peculiar cry continuously. About two weeks later I noticed a kite about a mile from this spot. The bird was on a post in the middle of a marsh and was very shy. On April 2, 1913, I noticed a White-tailed Kite abot twenty miles north of Santa Barbara. This bird was fairly tame.--HowAo W. Wmca. Nighthawk Drinking.--While standing near a water trough last night (August 25, 1913), a Texas Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis texensis) Came and drank like a bat. Dusk was just beginning to come on and as near as I could see, the nighthawk just dipped its lower mandible in the water as it passed, rippling the surface of the water a little. In two or three minutes it, or another individual of the same species, came and drank as be- before.--F.vx STEPI-IEN$, Julian, San Diego County, California.