For Sale, xchange and Want Column.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but zoi for sale. For this department address W. LEE CHAntBIeRS, Eagle Rock, os Angeles County, California. FOR ExcHAcr--Very fine skins of Michi- gan waders and warblers for western or de- sirable sets.--J. CLAIRE WOOD, 179 17th Street, Detroit, Mich. WAqq:o--Skins of Flammulated and Dwarf Screech owls in exchange for north- ern material such as Queen Charlotte Island Jay, Northwestern Sawwhet Owl, Richard- son Grouse, Hepburn Leucosticte, Bohemian Waxwing, etc.--J. A. MUNRO, Okanagan Landing, British Columbia, Canada. WATrO--A1 sets of the following, nests with smaller kinds and down with ducks: A. O. U. nos. 17, 113.1, 114, 135, 142, 143, 151, 165, 249, 292a. 340, 399, 424, 439, 573, 574, 622c, 623, 626, 634, 646b, 682, 713a, 726b, 759a, 759d, and many others. I can offer in exchange rare A1 sets from the north- west and elsewhere.--J. HOOrr. R BowLrs, The Woodstock, Tacoma, Wash. To ExcIXr--For bird skins not at pres- ent represented in my collection: Coues Key to IV. A. Birds; Ridgway's Manual of IV. A. Birds; U. 8. Executive Document No. 91, Explorations from Mississippi River to Pa- cific Coast, 1853-1856, Birds, by Spencer F. Baird, 995 pages. Over 50 odd copies of ornithological mag- azines to exchange as a lot for last four issues of The Auk. Viz: 15 copies O61ogist, Vol. 7 to 13; 15 copies Osprey, Vol. I to 2; 11 copies Nidiologist, Vol. 3 to 4; 10 copies Museum, Vol. I to 2.--GEo. (]. Ca'TWEr, Puyallup, Wash. WAo--Loomis's California Water Birds No. IV, for which I will pay any reasonable cash price.--W. E. CLY1)E TOUD, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. WAr.o--Bird Lore, vols. 1, 2, 3, 10, whole volumes or odd copies. Also vol. 7, no. 1; vol 9, nos. 3-6; vol. 11, no. 5; vol. 14, nos. 1-2; vol. 15, nos. 2-6. The Auk, vols. I to 10.--J. N. Swxr, Stockport, Ohio. WAo---Ridgway's Manual of North Am- erican Birds. Will pay cash.--FslrDS Lr.iA., Box 105, Los Gatos, Calif. BLu-Bmi)--Published in co-operation with The Cleveland Bird-Lovers' Association, and devoted to Bird Study and Conservation; $1.00 a year; 10 cents a copy; Agents Want- ed. Address EDITOR BLUE-BIRD, I010 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. WxTEo.--Good photos of any and all lairds found in California, their nests, eggs, and nesting sites. Will pay cash or give good exchange in bird skins.-- WL, San Bernardino, California. Wz.--Bird skins from the Western U. 8. in exchange for Eastern skins. Kindly send list of duplicates and you will receive my list by return mall.--J. A. WEBER, BOX 37, Palisades Park, New Jersey. Wrz.--American Museum Journal, of New York: vol. V, nos. 2 and 3; vol. VI, no. 1; vol. VII, no. 3; vol. VIII, nos. 8 and index; vol. X, nos. 6 and 7; vol. XI, no. 2; vol. XII, no. 1. Guide Leaflets to same: nos. 9, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30. Zoological See. Bulle- tins, New York: nos. 1, 6, 8, 35, 43, 46.-- Cs. O. Tmywswvr, Framingham Center, Massachusetts. WArro.--Loomis's "Califoruia Water Birds" number V; "The Blue Bird," vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Dr. Eugene Swope; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, any odd nos.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. Wo--A good cabinet for bird skins. Anyone having one for sale or exchange, please write to--R. T. KLLOOa, Silver City, ew Mexico. Boos Ws--Loomis' "California Water Birds," part v. Will pay any reason- able price for a copy of this.--W. LrE SrRS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia. I WANT one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cin- cinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope. --W. LEB CxrRs, Eagle Rock, Los Ange- les County, California.