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THE CONDOR Vol. XV tertained 'during the remainder of the evening by Mr. Willeft, who gave a talk upon his re- cent trip to Laysan and adjacent islands un- der the direction of the Biological Survey. A representative lot of Laysan birds, and an ex. tensive series of photographs illustrated his remarks. Owing to the tril having been made during the winter months, while previ- ous expeditions had all visited the islands dur- ing the summer, a number of new and inter- esting facts were discovered, rather surpris- ing in view of the attentibn the islands had al- ready received from ornithologists. Adjourned. --H. S. SWARTI:[, Secretary. NORTI-I ERN DIVISION MARCH.--The regular monthly meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology., Berkeley, California, on February 20, 1913, at 8 p.m. Mr. Bryant acted as president in the tempo- rary absence of President Carriger who took the chair after the discussion of the paper of the evening. The following members were present: Mrs. Grinnell, Misses Atsatt, Mc- Graw, and Wythe, and Messrs. Barrows, Bry- ant, Carriger, Chandler, Grinnell, Heinemann,

Ray, Shelton, Stone and Storer. Mrs. Oscar 

Maurer, and Misses Capp, Harper, Lemon, Lillibridge, Little, and Wetmore, and Mr. Rankin, were present as visitors. The paper of the evening by Mr. J. Grin- nell on "Methods in Field Observation and Collecting" was first presented. The speaker outlined the various purposes in field work, then the methods of observation and note- writing, quoting from some of his own note- books as examples, and finally described the outfits necessary for hll sorts of field collect- ing. Considerable interesting discussion was indulged in after the presentation of the pa- per. The business of the meeting was then taken up. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved and the minutes of the Southern Division meeting for February were read. Miss Mabel C. Gage, Worcester, Mass., Thos. Trenor, San Francisco, Calif., Claus J. Murie, and Asa Sleeth of Portland, Oregon, and John B. Perrin, Tucson, Ariz., were elect- ed to membership. The application of L. D. Duschak, 506 U.S. Custom House, San Fran- cisco, Calif., proposed by J. Grinnell, was read. Mr. Grinnell summarized the report of the Business Managers of the Club on Avifaunas Nos. 7 and 8. The report received a vote of 'approval. Mr. Bryant reported for the per- manent Committee on the Conservation of Wild Life and pointed out some of the recent work carried on in connection with the pres- ent session of the California Legislature. The California Associated Societies has at present sufficient funds to carry on an active cam- paign in connection with the no-sale and other game bills. A second Western Wild Life Call has been issued by the Associated Societies. Mr. Bryant further reported that a fair de- gree of success was obtained in the hearing of the no-sale bill before the Joint Committee from the two houses on February 19th. The names of J. Eugene Law and W. Lee Chambers were presented as candidates for the offices of Business Managers for 1913 and unanimously elected. The work of Mr. A. C. Bent in planning to continue the publication of "Life Histories of North American Birds", as commenced by Capt. Charles Bendire, was favorably commented upon. Adjourned.- TRAcY I. STORER , Secretary. AvPaL.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of Verte- brate Zoology, Berkeley, California, on April 17, 1913, at 8 p.m., with President Carriger in the chair and the following members present: Mrs. Grinnell, the Misses Atsatt and Wythe, and the Messrs. Cartiger, Grinnell, Heine- mann, Ray, Shelton, and Storer. Mrs. Allen and Miss Olive Swezy were present as vis- itors. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved and the Southern Di- vision minutes for March were read. Mr. L. D. Duschak, San Francisco, Calif., was elected to membership, and the following new applications were read for the first time: Edward P. Rankin, E1 Monte, Los Angeles County, Calif., proposed by H. C. Bryant, and George Francis Sykes, 322 Agricultural Hall, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore- gon, proposed by J. Grinnell. The following applications were read from the Southern Di- vision: F. J. Smith, J. Bagley, B. M. Marshall, E. A. Dial, B. F. Case, T. J. Fitzpatrick, and E. E. Lusher. Mr. Grinnell reported briefly on the conditions and results already ob- tained at the State Legislature. The discussion of the evening upon a "Ref- erence List of Birds of the San Francisco Bay Region" was opened by' the Secretary. Mr. Grinnell had anticipated the 'general trend of the discussion and had prepared a synopsis of the work, which he presented, showing what work would be necessary to produce a cred- itable list. The following motion was introduced and carried: It is the sense of this meeting, after discussion, that it is eminently desirable that a "Reference List of the Birds of the San Francisco Bay Region" be compiled by the Cooper Ornithological Club. Adjourned.-- TRACY I. STORER, Secretary.

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