May, 1913
MINUTES Ot COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 133 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION FBRtTAR.--The February meeting of Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held on February 20, 1913, at the residence of Mr.' J. E. Law, Hollywood, California, with president Law in the chair and the following members present: Messrs. Law, Daggett, Chambers, Zahn, Lelande, Howell, Miller, Howard, Lamb, Rich, Hulbs, Grey, Layne, Fischer, Judson, Dickey, H. M. Holland, C. B. Isham, and Allan Brooks. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. Upon motion made and duly carried, the following applicants, proposed at the. January meeting, were unanimously elected to active membership: E. E. Everett, Ventura, Califor- nia; Mabel C. Gage, Worcester, Mass.; Claus J. Murie, Portland, Oregon; J. B. Perrin, Tuc- son, Arizona; Asa Sleeth, Portland, Oregon. The following application for membership was presented: Sidney B. Peyton, Sespe, Cali-- fornia, proposed by L. Peyton. After adjournment those present enjoyed the hospitality and refreshments provided by thetr host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Law have a charming new home on the hillside, and .the former's fine collection of birds and eggs, well and safely housed in a fireproof roo.m adjoin- ing his study, were examined with much in- terest by those present.--A. B. HowEL, Sec- retary. MARca.--The regular monthly meting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Thursday ev'e- ning, March 27, with President Law in the chair and the following members present: Messrs. Daggett, Grey, Hubbs, Law, Lelande, Miller, Van Rossem and Swarth. The. min- utes of the February meeting were read and approved, followed by /he reading of the Northern Division minutes for February. In regard to certain resolutions passed by the Northern Division, pertaining to the Flint- 'Cary bill, and asking for the support of the Division, it was decided that as the bill had already been brought before the senate, it was useless to take any formal action, especially as Mr. Law and Mr. Howell each reported that they had already separately in 'ihe name of the Club, written and telegraphed messages in support of the measure. In this connection the following motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lelande, and carried: That the Southern Division com- mends and endorses the action of the presi- dent and secretary in forwarding telegrams to the proper legislators expressive of the Club's attitude in regard to the Flint-Cary bill; and that the Southern Division approves the stand taken by the Northern Division in this respect. . ,On,.II.v( ember was elected: Sidney B. t. he 'P'etohT' 8e;e, California. The following names were proposed: F. J. Smith, Eureka, California; J. Bagley Eureka, California; B. M. Marshall, Eureka, California; E. A. Dial, Santa Barbara, California; B. F. Case, Fern: dale, Washington; T. J. Fitzpatrick, Los Ah- geles, all proposed by W. Lee Chambers; and E. E. Lusher, Van Nuys, California, proposed by, H. C. Bryant. A communication was read from A. B. Howell, tendering his resignation as secretary of the Southern Division. The resignation was accepted, and H. S. Swarth was elected to fill the office during the balance of the year. Adjourned.--H. S. Swabia, Secretary. Ae.--The monthly meeting of the South- ern Division of the Club was held at the Mu- seum of History, Science and Art, Thursday evening, April 24, with the following mem- bers present: Messrs. Cookman, Daggett, Davis, Grey, Hubbs, Lamb, Layne, Miller, Robertson, Willett, and Swarth. Mr. J. J. Robinson was a visitor. In the absence of the president Mr. Daggett acted as chairman. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved, followed by the reading of the Northern Division minutes for March and Al,ril. The following were elected to membership: E. E. Lusher, Van Nuys, California; T. J. Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles; B. F. Case, Fern- dale, Washington; E. &. Dial, Santa Barbara, California; B. M. Marshall, Eureka, Califor- nia; J. Bagley, 'Eureka, California; F. J. Smith, Eureka, California. New names were presented as follows: H. C. Ohl, Los Banos, California, by H.. C. Bryant; Thomas Trenor, San Francisco, by J. Grinnell; Edward P. Rankin, E1 Monte, California, by H. C. Bry- ant; George F. Sykes, Corvallis, Oregon, by J. Grinnell. Two communications were read, one from Mrs.. J. W. Wheeler, of Tucson, Arizona, prof- fering an exchange of specimens with any one interested, game birds being desired; the other frown Theodore Roosevelt, addressed to Joseph Grinnell, and expressing interest in re- gard to the recent report upon the status as a game bird of the Band-tailed Pigeon in 'Cali- fornia. Following this came the reading of the busi- ness manager's report upon the publication of Pacific Coast Avifaunas numbers 7 and 8. This was duly accepted and ordered filed. Business disposed of, the members were en-