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shades (mixtures with definite percentages of black), grading to white at the top and black at the bottom of each column. Evet:y color has a name and also a symbol, consisting of a number and a letter, and the intermediates which do not appear on the plate have similar symbols. The color scheme is probably the simplest that can be devised for a really sci- entific arrangement, and seems to be eminent- ly satisfactory. The six fundamental spectrum colors which are here accepted as standards have been permanently fixed by the determina- tion of their wave lengths; so that at any fu- ture time, should necessity demand, they can be. exactly reproduced. These wave-lengths, as given, should, however, have been carried out to another decimal point, to correspond with the other wave-lengths vith which they are compared. The first twelve plates contain the pure col- ors, i.e., the shades and tints of the thirty- six colors and hues into which the spectrum series is here divided. Twelve of the follow- ing fourteen plates reproduce the same series with the addition of 32 per cent of neutral gray; and the two interpolated plates, dis- tinguished by asterisks after the color numbers, have blue and blue violet colors with a slight- ly different percentage of gray. Plates XXVII to XXXVIII represent the colors of the first twelve plates with the addition of 58 per cent of neutral gray; and the remaining plates show three series, with respectively 77, 90, and 95.5 per cent of' neutral gray, but in these ev- ery other hue is omitted because too little different. On the last plate a series of neu- tral grays and one of carbon grays is also add- ed. Altogether 1115 named colors are repre- sented, not counting black and white, as against 198 in Mr. Ridgway's original "No- menclature of Colors for Naturalists". Fur- thermore, by the use also of intermediates, :t total o.f 6506 colors can be designated. While "Color Standards and Color Nomen- clature" is primarily intended for naturalists such as botanists, entomologists, herpetologists, conchologists, ornithologists, mammalogists, and the like, it should prove valuable, as well, to manufacturers and merchants in variou lines of business. It is not, we think, too much to say that this book is by far the most important con- tribution to the subject of color standardiza- tion that has ever seen light, and that its ap- pearance marks an epoch in color nomencla- ture. That it will soon prove indispensable to scientists generally, we have no doubt; and its adoption will go far toward reforming the present unsatisfactory usage, and will bring nearer the millenium of clearness and definite- ness and uniformity in color names.--HAR C. OBEROLSER. INDEX TO PAPERS RELATING TO THE FOOD OF BIRDS IN THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT' oF AGRICULTURE, 1885- 1911. By W. L. McATEE (U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau Biol. Surv., Bull. 43, January 9, 1913, pp. 1-69). The most recent publication of the UnWed States Bureau of Biological Survey is an "In- dex to papers relating to the food of birds." To the average reader this will doubtless prove an uninteresting bulletin and one which will soon find 'its way to a back shelf, there to remain untouched. To the teacher, to the student of birds, and to the research student, however, this bulletin will appeal and will soou become thumb worn. To one who continually searches for the index, which is too often lack- ing at the end of scientific books, the annotat- ed one at hand strongly appeals. With a little search, information which is interesting to everyone can be obtained. The introduction points out the fact that during the twenty-six and one-half years of the ex- istence of the Biological Survey there have been published 131 documents relating to the food of birds. Notes on the economic status of no fewer than 401 species of native birds and 59 species of foreign or introduced birds are to be found in these publications. A com- putation made by the reviewer shows that in the first 39 bulletins alone, over 2500 pages have been devoted almost exclusively to dis- cussions of the economic aspects of ornithol- ogy. .When people become fully aware of the economic value of bird life there will certain- ly redound to the Biological Survey the cred- it of having insistently' pointed out the inter- action existing between organisms, and the consequent importance of preserving our na- tive birds. A knowledge of the economic value of a bird assures its protection. As this value is largely dependent upon what the bird eats, the spreading broadcast of dependable evidence as to the food of birds is all im- portant as a means of assuring needed pro- tection for the m . Many readers may also fail to appreciate the work of the author in the preparation of the index. Sixty-seven pages ot index and anno- tated bibliography do not appear ou the sur- face to represent a great amount of labor. However, compilation of this kind costs a great many long hours of tedious work and the proof-reading of this type of publication must be considered the most difficult next to that of tables. Mr. McAtee has given us a useful bulletin thai will, at least, be appreciated by all those who have occasion to work in this field.- }{. C. BRYANT.

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