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A Study of the Nesting of the Marsh Hawk (with six photos) .... Aretas .4. Saunders 99 The ild Turkeys of Colorado (with map) ......................................... Wells W. Cooke 104 The Rocky Mountain Pine Grosbeak (4th three photos) lTdward and A. O. Tregranza 106 Notes on some Mesa County, Colorado, Birds ................. Edward R. Warren 110 Some further Notes from the Tahoe Region (with two photos by OhtfJ. ]teinemann) ................................................ JVillon S. Ray !11 Notes froth Buena Vista Lake and Fort Tejon_ Chester amb and q. Brazier. I-Iowel/ '11,5 Notes on Certain Kansas Birds ......................... ,41e;c. Welmore 120 Some Notes on the Nesting of the Short-cared Owl (with one photo) _ ................................. Irelas q. Saunders 121 Synopsis of the Recent CampMen for the Conservation of Wild Life in California .......................................................................... W. P. Taylor 125 P'ROM FIELD AND STUDY: Harris Hawk in California ....... /-/enry Grey 128 An Unusual Nest of the Sofa Rail (witIx one photo) ...4relas .4. Saunders 128 Early Nesting of the Band-tailed Pigeon .................... Frank Slephens 129 Some Rare Transients of the Corral de Quati Ranch Virginia Faunlleroy Fox 129 American Egret in San Diego County ......................... I-Ienry Grey 129 Anna Hummer in Ferndale, Humbohlt County, California ................................... Charlolle ]1. Wi)der 129 Western Goshawk in California ..................... I-lenry Grey 129 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NE%S ................................................................ 130 PUBLICATIONS REVIE%ID .................................................. 130 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ...................................................... 133 ]ntered as second-class matter February, 1908. at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of ConKress of Iarcb 3. 179. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood, Cal. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 1, 1900 Birds of the Kotzebne Sound Region, Alaska; 80 pp. and map, - 75c By J. GRINNELL NO. 2, 1901 Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, California: 22 pp. - 25c By R. C. McGREGOR No. $, 1902 Check-List of California Birds; 100 pp. aml 2 maps $1.50 By J. GRINNELL No. 4, 1904 Birds of the HuachucaMoun- rains, Arizona, 75 pp. 50c By H. S. SW,RH No. '5, 1909 A Bibliography o[ Califor- nia Ornithology; 166 pp. $1.50 By J. GRINNELL No. 6, 1909 Ten-Year Index to THE CONOR, 48 pp. $1.00 By H. B. KAEDING NO. 7, 1912 Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern California; 122 pp $1.50 By G. WILLE No. 8, 1912 A Systematic List of the Birds of California; 23 pp. 50c By J. GRINNELL FOR 8ALE BY W. LEE CHAMBERS, Buiness Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Cal. The lirst volume BIRD -LORE Contained 206 pages and no colored plates. The Lales! Volume Contained 49 pages and 14 colored plates. The magazine has grown but the PRICE REMAINS THE SAME $1.00 a year; single numbers 20c D. APPLETON & CO. Crescent and Mulberry Sty., Har- risburg, Pa., or New York City. )!else meutton TIIl CONDOI(

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