notes of a silvery sweetness "cheterce, cheteree, cheteree." I have heard the win- ter song of this bird along the coast but it bears little comparison in richness and melody to that heard here in its summer home. At the' A1-Tahoe marsh on June o a second nest of the Sora Rail was found, with thirteen eggs in varying stages of incubation. The nest, of dry tules, was Fig. 37. NEST AND EGGS OF THE WILSON PHAL.AROPE, PHOTOGRAPHED JUNE 19, 1909, NEAR LAKE TAHOE; THICK GRASS, ORIGINALLY STANDING IN FRONT OF NEST, CUT AWAY TO AFFORD AN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEw laced to tules above water three feet deep. As with the nest of the Phalarop it was necessary to cnt a:vay some of the thick growth to make a successful picture. Besides the nest 'of the rail two noteworthy ones of the Red-winged Blackbird were fonnd. One held the rather rare complement of five eggs; the other, a set of four, contained two infertile runts, which in every respect but size