THE CONDOR Vol. XV always with much chattering; then coltion; then with continued actions of en- dearment he male worked himself back 6 his original position on the limb, some six or more feet away, only to recommence his advances. Three times these ac- tions were performed, then without warning both birds assumed a normal atti- tude and went as they had come, in opposite directions, the male into the dense conifers about two rods away, disappearing completely, while the female flew high over the tops of the trees fully an eighth of a mile and down to a lower al- titude. Neither bird was seen again this day although diligently searched for; nor was there anything in their actions that would indicate that they had a nest lig. 34. LOOKING TOW,RD THE 11,000 FOOT DIVIDE WASATCH 1V[oUNTAINS, UTAH; HOME OF 'EHE ROCKY 1V[ouN'EAIN PINE GROSBEAK in the immediate vicinity, as neither bird apparently came from, or went in, its direction. This is the first time I have seen the male of this pair. June 26.--Iowa Copper Mine.--Today I visited the pair of Grosbeaks, wit- nessing the same nuptial ceremonies of two days previous, at the condusion of which both birds departed as before. I then proceeded to the nest, and upon in- vestigation found it completed but as yet no eggs. June 28.--Iowa Copper Mine.--I found my pair of 'Grosbeaks still conunu- ing theix conjngal relations, and nest still empty.