lor Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but no! for sale. For this department address W. LEE Cmm.s, lffagle /ock, Los Ageles County, California. Foa SALE.--Hidgway's "Birds of North and Middle America"; 6 vols., wrappers, good condition; for $20.00 net.--B. F. Tolkng, Connecticut. W.Tm).---Good photos of any and all birds found in California, their nests, eggs, and nesting sites. Will pay cash or give good exchange in bird skins.---EDW.RD WA., an Bernarcino, Cali[ornia. Warv.--Bird skins from the Western U.S. in exchange for Eastern skirig Kindly send list of duplicates and you will receive my list by return mail.--& A. WEBS, Bow 327, PalisaSes Park, New Jersey. W,r.--American Museum Journal, of New York: vol. V, nos. 2 and 3; vol. VI, no. 1; vol. VII, no. 3; vol. VIII, nos. 8 and index; vol. X, nos. 6 and 7; vol. XI,. no. 2; vol. XH, no. 1. Guide Leaflets to same: nos. 9, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 80. Zoological Soc. Bulle- tins, New York: nos. 1, 6, 8, 85, 43, 46.-- CHAS. O. TROWBRIDGE, Framingham Center, Massachusetts. WANTED--Copies of any of the follow- ing publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, N. S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull., no. 4, 1894.--B. H. Sw,Es, Grosse Isle, Mich. W,o.--Nidiologist, vol. I, nos. 1, 2, 5, 8; vol. IL 11; Osprey, vol. IH, 7.--0. Wx- ,, 5105 Von Vetsen Ave., t. Louis, Mo. Wo.--Loomis's "California Water Birds" number V; "The Blue Bird," vol. 6, nos. I and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Dr. Eugene Swope; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, any odd nos.--W. LE CHS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Cali[iyrnia. Boos W,ro--Loomis' "California Water Birds," part v. Will pay any reason- able price for a copy of this.--W. LE CHM- Bns, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Calt- [ornia. I WANT one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. I and 2, published at Cin- cinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope. --W. LEE CH,BRS, Eagle Rock, Los Ange- les County, California. Dues and ARE NOW Subscriptions PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are closely occupied with their regular affairs and that there is no salary connected with ANY office of "THE CONDOR." $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $Z25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif.