In November, 1910, in response to an invitation tendered by several prominent members of the Cooper Ornithological Club, William Leon Davs0n, the senior author of "The Birds of Washington," came south to look over the field, and, if favorably impressed, to propose plans for the preparation of a splendid and elaborate work upon "The Birds of California." His plans were submitted to both divisions of the Club and enthusiastically ratified; and the members of the Club pledged themselves to co-operate by every means in their power toward the success of the enterprise. A quiet personal canvass of support was at once begun, and the results obtained justified the organization of "The Birds of California Publishing Company" the following spring, viz., in April, 1911, with an authorized capitalization of $75,000. The canvass has so far progressed that the value of book sub- scriptions in hand already exceeds the working capital required, viz., $30,000; so that we are ready to make our plans public and to invite final action. The scope of the proposed work is virtually that of the Washington book, save that it is to be rather fuller in textual treatment and very much more elaborately illustrated. Each species of bird found in California will be portrayed in an extended popular vein, and each subspecies will receive separate technical treatment. The text itseli will be entirely the work of-Mr. Dawson, but it will incorporate not only his own experience of five or six years in California, but the essentials of all available knowledge as published in "TH CownoR" and elsewhere, and as embodied in abundant notes contributed by members of the Cooper Club. The work is thus seriously undertaken, as advertised, "under the auspices of the Cooper Ornithological Club," and Mr. Joseph Grinnell has promised to vise the manuscript. Especial pains is to be taken with the illustration of "The Birds of California"; in fact, it is to be for its size the most elaborately-illustrated work on birds ever undertaken, as well as the most sumptuous ever produced in America. As a basis of this expectation, we have the uninterrupted work of the author and his assistants with the cameras for five seasons in California (Photographs of twenty-five species of the Limicolae have already been secured). Messrs. Bohlman and Finley of Portland have promised to supply needed material from their matchless collections, and a host of amateurs are already at work to the same end. Finally, and best of all, Mr. Allan Brooks, who is now in California, is devot- ing practically his entire time for five years to the production of the colored plates for "The Birds of California." in this as in other regards our realization is exceeding our original promises. We began by promising only 48 plates, whereas we already have over 100, and hope to have 200 or even 300--all without additional cost to our original subscribers. THE EDITIONS Patrons' Edition, De Grand Luxe, complete in four sumptuous volumes and limited to one hundred copies. A hand-made edition of extreme luxury, illustrated throughout with original photographs, half-tone proofs pasted in, bromide enlargements, etc., and con- taining six original water-color studies by Allan Brooks. This edition will employ a large format, 11 by 15 inches, facilitating the use of hand-set type and the display o_ over 1000 illustrations. The binding will be of the best known to the art, and will be' done (tariff con- ditions permitting) in London under personal direction of Mr. Dawson. The set will weigh fifty pounds. The price is $1000. Seventeen sets already subscribed, as follows: William H. Crocker Charles Templeton Crocker William B. Bourn Mrs. J. Hobart Moore Mrs. Esther L. Hammond John Lewis Childs Miss Mary E. Foy Mrs. Mar,aret B. Fowler Mrs. R. R. Blacker William F. Herrin John Martin Miss E. B. Scripps E. J. deSabla, Jr. A. B. Sprecldes Joel Remington Fithian Mrs. Robert J. Burdette Mrs. Katharine T. Russell Stockholders Edition, De Luxe, complete ill three volumes, 9I/2 by 12 inches in size, and limited to 250 copies. This edition will represent the su'!0rerr[e of mechanical processes in book-making and illustration, and will be bound in full lrench Levant leather inlaid by hand with special bird designs in color. The three volrunes will comprise over 1500 pages of text with 750 half-tones, besides 24 full-page photogravures, at least 100 pro- cess reproductions of watercolor paintings by Mr. Allan Brooks, and 63 full-page photographs. Net weight about 36 pounds. Price $150 (but see special offer beyond). This edition is especially recommended to members of the C. O. C. One hundred and twelve copies are