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compound as "Lime lead", although Potassi- um iodide is found in Chili! However, you may find space for this, and I trust a copy will find its way into the hands of Mr. Boyce. Very truly yours, HENRY B. KAEDING. February 2, 93. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN )XVXSXON DEcEMBros.--The December meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held on December 26, 1912, at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Lo Angeles, California. On motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Daggett was appointed Temporary Chairman. The folloving mem- bers were present: Messrs. Chambers, Cook- man, Daggett, Dickey, Fisher, Hubbs, Lamb, Rich, van Rossem, and Law. The minutes of the November meeting vere read and approved, and the minutes of the Northern Division for December were read. Upon motion by Dr. Rich, seconded by Mr. Lamb and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to east the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership, Mesdames Eugene Overton, Edwin H. Hus- ler and F. B. Bicknell, and Messrs. W. B. Bell, Frank C. Clarke, Alf Eastgate and Joseph A. Sweeney, these names having been lroposed at the last meeting. Applications for membership were present- ed as follows: Charles S. Moore, P.O. Box 222, San Diego, Calif., proposed by A.M. Ingersoll; M. B. Rice, Cascadia, Oregon, pro- posed by W. L. Finley; John McB. Robert- son, Buena Park, Orange County, Clit., pro- posed by F. S. Daggett; O. P. Silliman, Cas- troville, Calif., proposed by W. Lee Cham- bers. Upon motion by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Dr. Rich and duly carried, the Southern Division accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. E. W. Gifford. The meeting then proceeded to the nomi- nation of officers for 1913, with the follov-. ing result: For President, J. E. Law; for Vice-President, Howard Robertson; for Sec- retary, A. B. Howell. The Secretary then read a paper by Mr. Virgil W. Owen entitled "Notes on the Nest- ing of the Heerman Gull off the Southwest Coast of Mexico." Adjourned.--J. E. Lw, Secretary. JNURY.--The January meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held on January 30, 1913, at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Los Angeles, California. On motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Daggett was appointed Temporary Chairman. The following mem- bers vere present: Miss Althea Sherman, Messrs. Blain, Chambers, Daggett, Grey, Layne, Miller, Rich, Zahn, and Law, and as a visitor, Mr. W. E. Lewis, of Gate, Oklahoma. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. 'Upon motion by Dr. Rich, seconded by Mr. Zahn, and duly car- ried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Messrs. Charles S. Moore, M. B. Rice, John McB. Robertson, and O. P. Silliman, proposed at the last meeting. Applications for membership were present- ed as follows: E. E..Everett, Ventura, Calif., proposed by J. S. Appleton; Mable C. Gage, Worcester, Mass., proposed by J. Grinnell; Claus Johan Murie, 809 Yeon Bldg., Port- land, Oregon, proposed by Stanley, G. Jewett; John B. Perrin, Tucson, Arizona, proposed by A. B. Howell; Asa Sleeth, 1025 Michigan Ave., Portland, Oregon, proposed by Stanley G. Jewett. The Secretary then read the complete re- port of the Business Managers for the year 1912, showing a decided progress in the finan- cial affairs of the Club. TI-IE Com)0R has be- come practically self-supporting, and t s hoped that before long the Business Managers will be able to arrange to publish Avifaunas without calling for private subscriptions. Upon motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Rich, and duly carried, the report of the Bus- iness Managers was accepted. Upon motion by Mr. Zahn, seconded by Mr. Layne, the Chairman was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing for 1913 the officers nominated at the last meeting, as follows: President, J. E. Law; Vice-President, Howard Robertson; Secrctary, A. B. Howell. Adjourned.--J. E. LAW, ecretary. NORI-IERN mVSON JANUARY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Muse- um of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Thurs- day evening, January 16, with vice-president Carriger in the chair. The following mem- bers were present: Mrs. H. W. Grinnell, and Messrs. Bryant, Chandler, Carriger, Gee, Grinnell, Heinemann, Loshinski, Shelton, Smith, Storer, and Swarth. Mr. E. P. Ran- kin was a visitor. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved, as also the Southern Di- vision minutes for November and December. Candidates for admission to the Club, pro- posed at the last meeting, were elected as fol- lows: O. P. Silliman, Castroville, Ca[if., and M. B. Rice, Cascadia, Oregon. One new name was presented, E. E. Everett, Ventura, California, by J. S. Appleton.

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