between three and four hundred birds were breeding in comicany with Farallon Cormorants. All nests contained young still in the downy stage (July 2). 'On Anacapa were a large number of birds which apparently were not breeding (July 5). These birds were very numerous about Prince Island, but we did not see any breeding places as we visited only the west end of the island (July 2). Artlea herodias. Great Blue Heron. A single bird seen on Anacapa July 5, and one on Santa Cruz July 7. Arenaria interpres morinella. Ruddy Turnstone. One seen at close range near Pelican Harbor, on Santa Cruz, and positively identified (July 8). Haematopus bachmani. Black Oystercatcher. Three taken on Anacapa July 3. and one taken and others seen on Prince Island July 2. They were easily ap- proached. Zenaitlura macroura marginella. Western Mourning Dove. Fairly common in the canyons of Santa Cruz Island. A nest found in a small tree about seven feet from the ground contained one egg on July 7- Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus. Bald Eagle. One adult and a young one seen on Santa Barbara Island. (July 3). One seen on a high cliff at Santa Cruz on July 7. alco peregrinus anatum. Duck Hawk. One seen on Anacapa (July 3), ant two on Prince Island (July 2). They were very wild. alco sparverius. Sparrow Hawk. One seen in the canyon back of Pelican Harbor on Santa Cruz (July 7). Colaptes cafer collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. A/bundant among the pines on Santa .Cruz. Sayornis nigricans. Black Phoebe. Sen in the canyons on Santa Cruz. Empitlonax difficilis tlittlcilis. Western Flycatcher. Found breeding abun- dantly on Santa Cruz. One nest was in a cave the floor of which was wet by the high tides. Two eggs of this species were found laid on the bare rock in a hole in a large boulder. 0tocoris alpestris insularis. Island Horned Lark. Found on Santa Barbara Island. Aphelocoma insularis. Santa Cruz Island Jay. This species was very com- mon in the wooded districts of Santa Cruz. Two full-grown immatures were taken (July 7). Corvus corax sinuatus. Western Raven. These birds were common in the canyons .on Santa Cruz Island. Their nests were found in crevices in the cliffs overlooking the water. These were of course unoccupied at this season of the year. An old nest undoubtedly of this species was found on a ledge scooped out of the walls in one of the sandy canyons of Santa Rosa Island. Sturnella neglects,. Western Meadowlark. This bird's notes were heard many times while we were on Santa Cruz, and one morning a bird flew across Pelican Harbor. Noted also on Santa Rosa Island (July o). Carpotlacus mexicanus clementis. San Clemente House Finch. Seen on all the islands visited. Melospiza melodia graminca. Santa Barbara Song Sparrow. Found on San- ta Barbara Island wherever brush afforded protection. Young were found, but no occupied nests. Piprio maculatus cieraenrac. San Clemente Towbee. Adults and good-sized young were seen on Santa Cruz Island. Hiruntlo erythrogastra. Barn Swallow. Birds seen entering caves on Santa Barbara Islanql. On Santa Cruz a nest containing young was discovered on a