0ceanodroma, sp. ? The remains 'olf a Socorro or Black Petrel were found on macapa Island (July 5)- lhalaer0eorax auritus' alb0efliatus. Farallon Cormorant. The main colony of these birds on Santa Barbara was on the high bluff on the northwest part of the island. These nests, together With those of the pelicans, were built among the stalks of a kind of "marguerite" which grows abundantly at this point. The cor- morant nests were built entirely of weed stalks and twigs which readily dis- tinguished them from those of the following species, which were entirely of sea- weed. The nests contained from one to four eggs or young (July 2). On A,na- capa a few pairs had just finished nests on the cliffsides. These showed the same distinguishing materials used in construction. llmlacrocorax penicillatus. Brandt Cormorant. A large colony nested on a low exposed ledge on the northwestern side of Santa Barbara Island. There were about 35 nests containing from one to five eggs or newly hatched young. Fig. 25. YOUNG CALIFORNIA BROWN PELICANS ON SANTA BARBARA ISLAND, JULY 2, 1912 This colony had evidently been used for some years as the nests were very close together and well cemented with guano. The birds were very [nuch [nore wild than the preceding species. On the rock before referred to, about a hundred yards away, was a fair-sized colony in which all the nests contained nearly full- grown young. On our approach they took to the water where their awkward at- te[npts to dive resulted in nothing [nore than the immersion of their heads (July 3)- On Anacapa a few pairs nested on the cliffs, over the entrances to caves mostly (July 5)- Prince Island supported another colony of these birds. The nests contained froIn one to five ,,s (July x2). lhalacr0corax pelagicus resplendens. Baird Cormorant. Several small col- onies of these birds nested above the entrances to caves on the west end of Ana- capa Island. The birds were extremely shy (July 6). leleeam/s californicus. California Brown Pelican. On Santa Barbara Island,