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June 7 and July 9, t912, within a radius of two miles of Cisco Postoffice, :viii en- able the reder to form a fair idea of the tremendous loss in yo,.mg birds aud eggs in nests exposed to the elements and to the jays. One uest of Plumed Quail ((Jreortyx p. plurnifera). The uest was evident- ly destroyed by an anitnal haviug sharp claws and long black hair--presumably a skuuk. Sticky pieces of egg-shell were scattered around the uestiug hollow. Oue uest of Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus v. daggetti). Nest about ready for eggs, when birds were shot by a mau camping uuder a nearby tree. One uest of Olive-sided Flycatcher (Nuttallornis borealis). Nest was ex- amined by means of a glass from a distauce of 80 or 9 feet below. Previous to Juue 22 the birds were often seeu, but uot after that date. Three nests of Traill Flycatcher (Empidonax trailli). A jay was seen at nest that had coutaiued tvo eggs a few hours before. The other nests were wrecked, before completiou, by snow bending apart the villow stems between which the nests were placed. Fig. 23. Cisco, FROM ABOVE RAILROAD SNOW-SHED; PHOTO TAKEN ON JUNE 23, 1912, AFTER MUCH OF THE SNOW HAD MELTED Photo by Mrs. W, W. Cooley Niue uests of Westeru Wood Pewee (Myiochanes r. richardsoli). One uest aud three eggs were takeu by myself. Oue vas partially dislodged by a squirrel rutming over same, vhen frighteued by me while climbing au adjoining tree to examine a Kinglet's uest. Two uests were wrecked by suov. Two were emp- tied by jays (?). A bird was flushed from a single egg iu a uest that contaiued two eggs wheu examiued a few days previously. Tvo uests containiug two. and three eggs, respectively, were later observed to have brooding birds ou each. Four uests of White-crowued Sparrow (Zonotrichia I. leucophrys). One iucomplete nest abaudoued; also a nest with a fresh egg was abandoned for rea- son utktowu to me. A uest vith four eggs vas later fouud to contaiu but a single sucked egg. One uest and four eggs were takeu by a guest at the hotel. Seven nests of Western Chpping Sparrow (3'piella p. arizonae). One

test and four eggs taken by a guest at the hotel. Two uests were emptied by
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