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The 0010ist is the only publication in the United States devoted to these. It is now it1 its twenty-sixth )-ear. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per ysar. The Oologist, Lacon, I11. COLORED PLATES OF PACIFIC COAST BIRDS BIRD-LORE ba in preparation a series of biographies of Pacific Coast birds to be issued as Educational Leaf- lets and to be illustrated by full-page colored plates from draings by Allan Brooks. The first of the series, on the Cali- fornia Valley Quail, by Joseph Mailliard, will appear iu tile issue for September- October, 1912; the seeond, on the Willow Ptarmigan, by Joseph Grinnell, in the issue for November-December. Others will follow through 1913. Special Offer to Members of lite Coope Orni- thological Club.--To members of the Cooper Club we will give the Bso numbers for 1912 aud ol. XV. 1913. for $1.00. the price of a }oaf's sub- scription This offer holds good only during October. 191Z. and subscriptioas should be scut directly to our publication office at Harrisburg. Pa. D. APPLETON & CO. Publishers of Bird-Lore BIRD FOLIiS Will find conplete outfits for Camp- iug and Tramping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT Small calibre guns and amunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The lyre. H. fl0egee Co., Ine. Createst Sporting Coods House on the Pacific Coast Phoues Home 87; Main 8447 xa8-x4a South llain St., Los Angeles When rlriu to advertisemrts B I I:q DS of Eastern North America By CHISTER .. REED, II. S. This is a most interesting and thorough book of written and pictured description. The opening and closing chapters take up bird-lore and make it entertaining and un- derstandable to tlmse who want to know more about birds. Most valuable is the chapter on how to study birds. Good and accurate illustrations give the key to identifying birds in the field, and the genera3 appearance of the species. 408 illustrations in color. Many,in black and white. Net $8.00 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY Garden City New York lesse mention THII CONDOR 83{

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