THE CONDOR Vol. XIV Thrasher, Bendire, 56 Brown, 102 Leconte, 40 Palmer, 54, 56 Pasadena, 106 Sage, 31 102, 217 Thrush, Audubon Hermit, 32, 104, 116 Dwarf Hermit, 40 Northern Varied, 40 Olive-backed, 32, 104 Sierra Hermit, 108, 143, 146 Varied, 20 Willow, 32 Thryomanes bewicki leucogaster, 58 Tit, Yellow:rumped, 47 Titmouse, Gray, 113 Totanus flavipes, 90, 128, 224 melanoleucus, 9, 35, 128, 224 Towhee, Abort,'58, 62, 154 Anthony, 107 Arctic, 29 Green-tailed, 29, 100, 114, 177 Mountain, Northern Brown, 199 Spurred, 39, 113 Toxostoma benditel, 56, 153 lecontei lecontei, 40 palmeri, 54 redivivum, 231 redivivum pasadenense,. 231 rufum, 103 Tree-duck, Fulvous, 199 Tringa canutus, 8 Troglodytes aedon parkmani, 40, 103, 144 Tryngites subruficollis, 151 Turkey, Wild, 209, 211, 212 Turnstone, Black, 11, 189 Ruddy, 11 Tyrannus tyrannus, 27, 95 vertlcalis, 37, 95, 190 vociferans, 96 v Verdin, 40, 55, 58 Vermivora celata, 30 celata lutescens, 21, 148, 150 celata orestera, 150 celata sordida, 191 luciae, 53, 58 rubricapilla gutturalis, 225 rubricapilla rubricapilla, 225 Vireo, Anthony, 74 California Least, 41 Cassin, 30 Least, 58, 106 Plumbeous, 113 Red-eyed, 30 Swainson, 113 Warbling, 216 Western Warbling 30, 39 Vireo belli pusillus, 41. 58 huttoni obscurus, 74 Vireoslva gilva swainsoni,' 30, 39 olivacea, 30 Visher, S. S., bluejay imitating smg of brown thrasher, 199. Vulture, Turkey, 25, 35, 44, 63, 92, 107 w Warbler, Audubon, 13, 30, 39, 114, 146, 176, 219 Warbler, Black-throated Gray, 198 Calaveras, 224 California Yellow, 39, 145, 174 Dusky, 191 Golden Pileolated, 114 Hermit, 75, 198 Lucy, 53, 58, 61 Macgillivray, 30, 102, 116 Orange-crowned, 30, 115
- Pileolated, 30, 39, 102, 105
Sonora Yellow, 53, 61 Townsend, 114, 195 Yellow, 30, 102, 216, 218 Warren, E. R., some north-central Coloraclo bird notes, 81 Water-thrush, Grinnell, 30 Waxwing, Cedar, 30, 224 Bohemian, 30, 39 Willard, F. C., a week afield in southern Arizona, 53; migration of white-necked ravens, 107; breeding of the Scott spar- row, 195; nesting of the Rocky Moun- tain nuthatch, 213 Willett, G., some 1912 spring notes from southern California, 194; review of his "birds of the Pacific slope of southern California," 231 Willet, Western, 9, 128 Wilsonia pusilla pileolata, 21, 30, 39, 102 Woodpecker, Alpine Three-toed, 26, 93 Arctic Three-toed, 26 Arizona, 55 Batchelder, 26 Cabanis, 143 Gila, 56, 57, 60 Rocky Mountain Hairy, 25., 93 Lewis, 26, 36, 94 Northern Pileated, 26, 197 led-headed, 94 Three-toed, 26 White-headed, 175, 176 Wren, Baird, 58 Cactus, 56, 60 Canyon, 40, 56 Parkman, 144 Rock, 31, 40, 56, 191, 220 Tule, 40 Western House, 40, 103, 113, 114 Western Marsh, 31, 108 Western Winter, 31 Wren-tit, 107 Wyman, L. E., bobolink again in Idaho, 41 x Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 27, 37, 97, 143 Yellow-legs, 90, 128, 224 Greater, 9, 35, 128, 224 Yellowthroat, Western, 30, 39, 62 z Zamelodia melanoeephala, 29., 39, 1130 Zenaidura macroura carolinensis, 14, 25, 35. 53,' 73, 92 Zonotrichia coronata, 38 teucophrys gambeli, 29, 38, 190, 195 leucophrys leucophrys, 29, 99, 144