Nov., 1912
INDEX TO VOLUME XIV Sandpiper, Stilt, 127 Western, 6, 9, 224 Western Solitary, 9, 24, 126 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 20 Red-naped, 26, 36, 94, 116 Sierra, 147 Williamson, 26, 147, 178 Sayornis nigricans, 37, 55, 190 sayus, 37, 53, 96 Saunders, A. A., some birds of southwestern Montana, 22; some changes and addi- tions to the list of birds of southwes- tern Montana, 107; the western marsh wren wintering near Helena, Montana 108; a correction, 108; a horseback trip across Montana, 215; the probable breeding of the Bohemian waxwing in Montana, 224 Sclater, W. L., review of his "a history of the birds of Colorado," 155; (communi-. cation) the birds of Colorado, 226 Scorer, American, 41 Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis, 30 Selasphorus alleni, 77 platycercus, 95
rufus, 21, 27, 37
Setophaga ruticilla, 30 Sberman, A. R., position of mourning dove nestlings, 153 Shovellet, 23, 34 Shrike, Northern, 30 White-rumped, 39, 102 Shrike-thrush, Grey, 46 Shufeldt, R. W., study of the eggs of the Meleagridae, 209 Sialia c.rrucoid. es, 32, 40, lq4, 143 mex,cana bairdi, 104 mex{cana occidentalis, 14, 40, 145, 191 Siskin, Pine, 28, 98, 216 Sitta canadensis, 21, 31, 194 carolinensis nelsoni, 31, 194, 213 pygmaea, 103, 147, 213 Skylark, 227 Sloanaker, J. L., two new Arizona records, 154 Snipe, Wilson, 7, 24, 35, 90, 108, 112, 125, 229 Solitaire, Townsend, 32, 40, 103, 154, 158, 219 Song-thrush, 227 Sora, 24, 35, 119, 145 Sparrow, Brewer, 41, 100 Desert, 54 Desert Song, 62 English, 38, 98, 227, 229, 230 Fox, 41 Gambel, 29, 190, 195 Golden-crowned, 38, 106 Grasshopper, 60 ntermediate, 38 Large-billed, 190 Lincoln, 29, 38, 74, 106, 177 Mountain Song, 29, 38, 1130, 143 Sage, 38 San Diego Song, 38 Savannah, 28, 108 Scott, 195 Slate-colored Fox, 29, 39 Stephens Fox, 64, 65
Swamp, 29
Thick-billed Fox, 38 Western Chippinlz, 29, 38, 99, 107, 114, 146 Western Lark, 38, 61, 99 107 Western Savannah 38, 99, 108 243 Spacrow, Western Tree, 29 Western Vesper, 28, 98, 216, 219, 220 White-crowned, 29, 99, 144, 147 Yakutat Song, 73 Spatula clypeata, 23, 34 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 93 Sphyrap. mus thyroideus, 26, 147 varms, 148, 150 varius daggetti, 147 varius nuchalis, 26, 36, 94 Spinus pinus, 28, 98 Spizella breweri, 41, 100 monticola ochracea, 29 passerina arizonae, 29, 38, 146 socialis arizonae, 99 Squatarola squatarola, 10 Steganopus tricolor, 7, 35, 122, 145 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 30, 39 Stellula calliope, 27 Sterna fprsteri, 33, 199 max,ma, 188 Stilt, Black-necked, 7, 35, 199
Strix flammea, 233 occ!dentalis, 152
vana, 153 Sturnella neglecta, 14, 27, 37, 60, 98 Snrf-bird, 11, 224 Sullivan, R. H., review of his "the economic value of bird life," 110 Swallow, Barn, 30, 39, 102, 191, 216 Cliff, 30, 39, 101, 216, 218, 22[* Northern Violet-green, 30, 102, 114 Rough-winged, 30, 39, 216 Tree, 39, 147 Wood, 47 Swan, Whistling, 23 Swarth, H. S., a visit to Nootka Sound, 15; 'review of F. L. Burns' "monograph of the broad-winged hawk (Buteo platy pterus),"45; the winter range of the Yakutat song sparrow, 73; review of H. C. .Oberholser's "revision of the sub- spemes of the green heron," 231; review of L. Gardner's "partial account of the rds._ofLaguna Beach," 231; review of
g. liarrows' "Michigan bird life"
233 , Swift, White-th'roated, 36, 56, 84, 95, 190 Synthliboramphus antiquus, 41 Syrnium aluco, 232 T Tachycineta thalassina lepida, 30, 102 Tanager, Cooper, 58 Western, 29, 101, 195, 219 Tattler, Wandering, 10, 189 Taylor, W. P., communication from, 80; con,- ,mnication from, 200; notes on the exas Nighthawk, 222 Teal, Blue-winged, 23, 89 Chinese, 209 Cinnamon, 23, 34 Green-winged, 23, 34 Telmatodytes palustris iliacus, 151 palustris paludicola, 40 palustris plesius, 31, 108 Tern, Black, 33, Forster, 33, g 143, 199 Royal, 188