Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons, 30, 39, 84, 101 Pewee, Western Wood, 27, 96, 107, 190, 216, 218 Phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus, 33, 188 penicillatus, 188 Phalaenoptilus nuttalli californicus., 190 nuttalli nuttalli, 36, 94, 226 nuttalli nitidus, 148, 151, 152, 226 Phalarope, Northern, 6, 35 Red, 6 Wilson, 6, 35, 122, 145, 218, 220 Phalaropus fulicarius, 6, 148, 149, 151, 227 Phainopepla, 39, 58, 107 Phainopepla nitens, 39, 58 Phasianus torquatus, 148, 150 Philacte canagica, 41 Phloeotomus pileatus'abieticola, 26, 152, '192 Phoebe, Black, 37, 55, 107, 190 Say, 37, 45, 53, 96, 220 Pica pica hudsonia, 27, 96, 192 Picoides americanus americanus, 26 americanus dorsalis, 26, 93, 192 arcticus, 26 Pigeon, Band-tailed, 108, 112, 173, 194, 229, 230 Pinicola enucleator alascensis, .160 enucleator californica, 13, 157 enucleator montana, 28, 193 Pintail, 34, 147 Pipilo aberti, 58, 15i 154 crissalis crissalis, 199 crissalis senicula, 199 fuscus carolae, 199 maculatus arcticus, 29 maculatus megalonyx, 39 maculatus montanus, 100 Pirangtt ludoviciana, 29, 101, 195 rubra cooperi, 58 Pisobia bairdi, 8, 127, 224 maculata, 8, 127 minutilla, 9, 21, 35, 127 Pipit, 30, 39, 102 Planesticus migratorius caurinus, 21 migratorius migratorius, 148, 151, 152, 154 migratorius propinquus, 12, 32, 40, 104, 143, 154, 191, 194 Plegadis guarauna, 34 Plover, Black-bellied, 5, 10 Mountain,. 84, 90 Semipalmated, 6, 11 Snowy, 6, 11 Upland, 128 Podasocys montanus, 90 Podilymbus podiceps, 33, i99 Polioptila caerulea obscura, 40 plumbea, 40, 55 Pooecetes gramineus 'confinis, 28, 98 Poorwill, 36, 94 Dusky, 190 Porzana carolina, 24, 35, 119, 145 Progne subis hesperia, 39, 54 Protonotaria citrea, 148, 149, 151, 152, 227 Ptarmigan, White-tailed, 91 Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 188, 232 .Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus, 53, 58 Pyrrhuloxia, Arizona, 58 Pyrrhuloxia sinuata, 58 Quail, California, 73 Desert, 229, 230 Gambel, 35 Mountain, 112, 229, 230 Valley, 105, 112, 131, 229, 230 Querquedula cyanoptera, 23, 34 discors, 23, 89 R Rail, California Clapper, 229 Virginia, 108, 119 Railus virginianus, 119 Raven, 37, 55, 97, 190 Western, 154 White-necked, 53, 61, 107 Ray, M. S., through Tahoean mountains, 12; nesting of the Canada goose at Lake Tahoe, 67; a journey to the Star Lake country and other notes from the Tahoe region, 142; the discovery of the nest and eggs of the California pine grosbeak, 157 Recurvirostra americana, 7, 24, 35, 89, 123, 199 Redhead, 34, 229 Redpoll, 28 Redstart, 30 Red-tail, Western, 25, 36, 60, 92 Redwing, Northwestern, 107 San Diego, 37 Sonora, 62 Thick-billed, 27, 97 Regulus calendula calendula, 31, 40, 103, 145 satrapa olivaceus, 21, 31, 194 Ridgway, R., review of his "the birds of' North and Midle America," part V, 110 Roadrunner, 36, 56 Robin, 216, 218 Eastern, 154 Western, 12, 32, 40, 104, '143, 154, 174, 178, 191 Rockwell, R. B., notes on the wading birds of the Bart Lake region, Colorado, 117 Rougfi-leg, Ferruginous, 25, 92 s Sage-hen, 25, 91, 229, 230 Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus, 31, 40, 56, 191 Sanderling, 9 Sandpiper, Baird, 6, 8, 127, 224 Least, 9, 35, 127 Pectoral, 6, 8, 127 Red-backed, 6, 9 Solitary, 24 Spotted, 10, 24, 35, 90, 143