THE CONDOR Vol. XlV Jewett, S. G., some birds of the Saw-tooth Mountains, Idaho, 191 Junco, Arizona, 195 Gray-headed, 100 Montana, 29 Oregon, 107 Pink-sided, 29 Sierra, 13, 38, 142, 176, 178 Shufeldt, 29 Slate-colored, 38 Junco hyemalis annectens, 148, 150, 152 hyemalis connectens, 29, 193 hyemalis hyemalis, 38 hyemalis mearnsi, 29 ' hyemalis montanus, 29, 148, 150, 151 hyemalis oreganus, 107, 148, 150, 151 hyemalis thurberi, 13, 38, 142 pheonotus caniceps, 11210 pheonotus palliatus, 195 K .Killdeer, 6, ll, 24, 35, 54, 61, 90, 112, 130, 143, 199 Kingbird, 27, 95 Arkansas, 37, 95, 190 Cassin, 96, 113 Western, 45, 53, 218 Kingfisher, Belted, 26, 36, 93 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 31, 40, 103, 145 Western Golden-crowned, 31 Knot, 8 L Lagopus leucurus, 91 Lamb, C., birds of a Mohave Desert oasis, 32 Lanivireo solitarius cassini, 30 Lanius borealis, 30, 193 ludovicianus excubitorides, 39, 102 ludovicianus migrans, 30 Lark, Desert Horned, 27, 96, 108, 217, 220 Magpie, 47 Pallid Horned, 27 Scorched Horned, 53 Sonora Horned, 37 Larus delawarensis, 88 heermanni, 188 occidentalis, 188 philadelphia, 33 Law, J. E., wood ibis near Long Beach, 41; the American merganser at Lake Tahoe, 41 Leucosticte atrata,' 28 australis, 98 tephrocotis littoralis, 28 tephrocotis tephrocotis, 28 Linnet, 107 Limosa fedoa, 9, 128 Littlejohn, C., rare takes for San Mateo County, California, 41 Lobipes 1obatus, 6, 35 Longspur, Lapland, 28, 108 McCown, 217, 220 Loon, Common, 33 Lophodytes cucullatus, 152 Lophortyx californicus californicus, 73 gambeli, 35, 38 Loxia curvirostra, 227 curvirostra minor, 28, 148, 149, 193 curvirostra stricklandi, 149, 151, 152, 227 leucoptera, 193 M Macrorhamphus griseus scolopaceus, 8, 35 McAtee, W. L., review of his "woodpeckers in relation to trees and wood products," 44; review of H. C. Bryant's "relation of birls to an insect outbreak in north- ern California,". 45; review o A. G. Edquist's "useful birds of South Aus- tralia," 46 Magpie, 27, 96 Mailliard, J. W., concerning nesting sites of the California jay, 42; call note of the female California quail, 73 Mailliard, J., Passerella stephensi .in Marin County, California, 63; notes from the San Joaquin Valley, 74; breeding of the band-tailed pigeon in Marin County, California, 194 Mallard, 23, 34, 88, 220 Man-o'-war-bird, 223 Mareca americana, 23, 34 Marila affinis, 34, 152 americana, 34 collaris, 34 Martin, Western, 39, 54 Meadowlark, Western, 14, 27, 37, 98, 216, 219, 22O Melanrlles erythrocephalus, 94 Meleagris gallopavo intermedia, 212 gallopavo merriami, 212 gallopavo mexicana, 212 gallopavo mexicanus, 212 gallopavo osceola, 213 gallopavo silvestris, 148, 149, 152, 210, 212 Mergus serrator, 23, 34 Melospiza georgiana, 29 lincolni lincolni, 29, 38, 74 lincolni striata, 74 melodia caurina, 73 melodia clementae, 190 melodia cooperi, 38 melodia fallax, 62 melodia montana, 29, 38, 100, 14,3, 193 melodia rufina, 21, 73 Meloplia asiafica, 53 asiafica trudeaui, 196 Merganser, 88 American, 41 Red-breasted, 23, 34 Mergus americanus, 21, 88