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Nov., 1912

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INDEX TO VOLUME XIV 239 Goldfinch, Western, 28 Willow, 38, 106, 154 Goose, Canada, 23, 34, 67, 143 Emperor, 41 'White-cheeked, 72 Goshawk, Mexican, 58 Grallina picata, 47 Graucalus melanops, 4.7 Grebe, Eared, 23, 33, 88 Pied-billed, 33, 199 Greschik, E., review of his "Magen- und gewoll- untersuchungen unserer einheimischen raubvogel," 232 Grinnell, J., review of L. H. Miller's "a serie of eagle tarsi from the pleistocene of Rancho la Brea," and "avifauna of the pleistocene cave deposits of California," 43; an afternoon's field notes, 104; re-- view of C. G. Abbott's "the horne-life of the osprey," 1139; review of R. Ridg- way's "the birds of North and Middle America," part V, 110; February bird notes from Palm Springs, 154; the northern brown towhee, 199 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 29, 39, 1130, 1136, 116 California Pine, 13, 157 Rocky Mountain Pine, 28 Western Blue, 39, 62 Western Evening, 28, 74, 159 Grouse, Canadian Ruffed, 25 Dusky, 91 Franklin, 24 Richardson, 24 Ruffed, 44 Sage, 91 Sharp-tailed, 25 Sooty, 44 Grns canadensis, .154 mexicana, 24, 35, 152 Guiraca caerulea lazula, 39, 62 Gull, Bonaparte, 33 Heermann, 188 Ring-billed, 88 Western, 188- Gymnogyps areplus, 44 H Haematopus bachmani, 189 frazari, 189 Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus, 21 leucocephalus leucocephalus, 189 Harelda hyemalis, 41 Hawk, Broad-winged, 45, 1139 Cooper, 25, 36, 58 Desert Sparrow, 25, 36, 53; 93 Duck, 25, 189, 220 Marsh, 25, 36, 92 Sharp-shinned, 25, 36, 44 Sparrow, 114 Swainson, 25, 44, 60, 62, 92 Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi, 56, 60 Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus, 9, 24 solitarius solitarius, 24 Herodias egretta, 35, 74, 199 Heron, Anthony Green, 35, 62, 199, 224 Black-crowned Night, 35, 89, 224 Great Blue, 24, 35, 199 Snowy, 223 Treganza Blue, 224 White-fronted, 47 Hersey, L. J., two new birds for Colorado, 1138; a bird new to Colorado, 154 Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 28, 74 Heteractitis incanus, 10, 189 Himantopus mexicanus, 7, 35, 199 Hirundo erythrogastra, 30, 39, 102, 191 Histrionicus histrionicus, 21 Howell, A. B. [with Bowles, J. Ht.], the shore birds of Santa Barbara, 5 Howell, A. B., unusual nesting date of mourn- ing dove, 73; notes from Todos Santos Islands, 187 Hummingbird, Allen, 77, 110 Anna, 77 Black-chinned, 37, 105 Broad-billed, 54 Broad-tailed, 95, 113 Calliope, 27 Costa, 61, 75, 105, 106, 154 Rufous, 20, 27, 37, 110, 198 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 33, 88, 143, 199 Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola, 32 guttata auduboni, 32, 104 guttata nanus, 40 guttata sequoiensis, 108, 143, 151, 152 ustulata swainsoni, 32, 104 ustulata ustulata, 21 I Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 34, 224 Wood, 34, 41, 194 Icterus bullocki, 14, 37, 58, 98 cucullatus nelsoni, 55 parisorum, 61 Icteria virens longlcauda, 58 Ionornis martinica, 151 Iridoprocne bicolor, 39, 147 Ixobrychus exilis, 35, 199, 224 Ixoreus naevius, 21, 151 naevius meruloides, 40 J Jay, Black-headed, 27 Blue, 199 Blue-fronted, 45, 143, 174 California, 42 Long-crested, 96 Rocky Mountain, 27, 96 Steller, 44 Woodhouse. 116

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