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THE CONDOR Vol. XIV Magee, Jr., and Mrs. J. W. Wheeler, nomi- nated at the last meeting. Applications for membership were present- ed as follows: Frank C. Clarke, 218 East Hall, University of Cal., Berkeley, Calif., proposed by H. C. Bryant; Harry Telford, Klamath Falls, Oregon, proposed by Stanley G. Jewett; L.. Alva Lewis, 809 Yeon Bldg., Portlind, Oregon, proposed by Stanley G. Jewettg F. H. Fawcett, Narrows, Harney Co., Oregon. proposed by Stanley G. Jewett. , Upon motion by Mr. Law, seconded by Dr. Rich and unanimously carried, the Southern Division approved heartily the action of the Northern Division in electing to honorary membership Mr. Frank Stephens of San Diego. The Secretary read an'interesting paper on "Bats as Desirable Citizens," by J. Grinnell, which called forth much discussion on a little known subject. On adjournment, the members present were shown through the museum room and noted man,- interesting additions since the last meet- ing. Adjourned.--J. E. L^w, Secretary. $;TEtaaER.--The September meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitholo- gical Club was held on September 26, 1912, in the Committee Room of the' Museum 'f History, Science and Art, wiih vice-president Lelande in the chair. The following members were present: Chambers, Cookman, Daggett, Davis, Howell, . Hubbs, Lelande, Miller, Owen, Rich, Robert- son, Van Rossem, Willett, Wood, and Law; and as visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Sowers. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved, and the minutes of the Northern Division for September were read. Upon motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Miller and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to-cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Messrs. Frank C. Clarke, Harry Telford, L. Alva Lewis and F. H. Fawcett, proposed at the last meeting. Applications for membership were presented as follows: Alfred Cookman., Los Angeles, proposed by Evan Davis; Hans 'Hochbaum, Los Angeles, proposed by Loye Miller; Mor- ris Johnson, Valley City, North Dakota, proposed by Vernon Bailey; Pierre E. Letch- worth, Jr., Covina, proposed by A. B. Howell; E. W. Merrill, Sitka, Alaska, proposed by G. Willett; Wilson P. Gee, Berkeley, proposed by H. C. Bryant; Forrest S. Hanford, Santa Maria, proposed by H. W. Carriger, and John N. Loshinski, Berkeley, proposed by H. C. Bryant. ' The resignation of Mr. Clarence Birdseye was accepted with regret..Mr. Birdseye ex- pects to spend considerable time in extreme Northeastern America. The Committee on Game Protection was empowered to consider and take final action with regard to the pro- posed combination to be known as the Asso- ciated Societies for the Protection of Wild Life. The Secretary was instructed to 'get more data with regard to the probable and possible expense of such Association. The action of the 'Northern Division was ap- proved, and the Secretary of the Southern Di- vision was accordingly instructed to sign and forward a letter to the American Ornitholo- gists' Union suggesting that the Society meet in San Francisco in 1915. The. following amendment to the Constitution was adopted, subject to the approval of the Northern Di- vision: Article 10,.' Section 4 to be repealed and a new Article 10,' Section 4 to-take its place and to read as follows: "All members in good standing and all honorary members shall receive THE CONOR free of .charge, and shall be entitled to Avifaunas as they appear, under whatever conditions the Business Manager at the time deems expedient." Mr. George Willett then gave a very inter- esting talk on his recent trip to Alaska for the Biological Survey, on which he obtained and observed many rare birds. Mr. Willett exhibited specimens of the Horned Puffin, Ancient, Marbled and Kittlitz Murelets, Sooty Grouse, four specimens of Dixon Ptarmigan, of which there are but few other specimens in collections, and a series of the Fork-tailed Petrel, from downy young to adult. Mr. Willett in less than two. months, observed eighty-five species of birds. Adjoumed.--J. E. L^w, Secretary. NORTHERN DIVISION SEFrEdBER.--The September meeting of the Northern Division 'was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Saturdty evening, September 21, with President Coggins in the chair-and the following members present: Messrs. Bryant, Carrigor, Coggins, Grinnell, Mailliard, Shelton, Swarth and Taylor. Mrs. Grinnell and J. N. Loshinski were visitors. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved, followed by the Southern Division August minutes. New names were proposed as follows: W. B. Bell, Agricultural College, North Dakota; C. C. Schmidt, University, North Dakota; M. Johnson, Valley City, North Dakota; H. V. Williams, Crafton, North Dakota; and A. Eastgate, Tolna, North Dakota, all present- ed by Mr. Vernon Bailey; W. P. Gee, Berke- ley, J. N. Loshinsky, Berkeley, and F. C. Clarke, Berkeley, presented by H C. Bryant; and F. S. Hanford, presented by H. W. Car- rigor. W. P. Taylor, chairman of the committee

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