5. Reduction of the bag limit on certain game birds. 6. An investigation into the practicability of a campaign against.the English Sp.arrow to be carried on by the State Fish and Game Commission. 7. A law ,r6viding for the protection of the Bear, Raccoon, Mink, Badger, Marten, Fisher, Otter, Red. Fox, Wolverine, Skunk, and Ring-tailed Cat during all seasons except during the winter when their fur is prime; the seasons to be determined on the basis of the facts of the case in the different species; pro- vision to be made in the law permitting the killing of these mammals by the owner or tenant of any premises when found doing damage; cases of this necessary killing to be reported to the State Fish and Game Commis- sion. 8. The law regarding rabbits to be amend- ed with the provision that the owner or ten-. ant of any premises be permitted to kill cot- ton-tails and brush rabbits when found doing damage to crops. A synopsis of our recommendations and short discussions of each follows: ANIMAL SEASON Redhead Close indefinitdy Wood Duck Close indefinitely Other Ducks Oct. 15 to Feb. 1 Ibis and all Shore Birds (Limicolae) with the exception BAG LIMIT 20 per day (Baglimit on ducks to remain at 50 per week if "no-sale of ducks" law is not passed) of the Wilson Snipe(excl'de from game birds and place on protected list) Rall (excl'de from game birds and place on protected list) Geese Oct. 15 to Peb. 1 25 per day Valleyand Desert Oct, 15to Nov. 15 20 per day Ouail Mountain Ouail Sept. 1 to Nov. 1 10 per day Grouse Sept. I to Nov. 1 4 per day Sage Hen Sept. 1 to Nov. 1 4 per day Mourning Dove (excl'de from game birds and place on protected list) Band-tail'd Pigeon Nov. I to Feb. 1 15 per day Sea Otter protect absolutely, making the killing of the Sea Otter a felony Bear, Mink, Otter, Raccoon, Badger, Open season only Marten,Fisher,Redduring time Fox, Wolverine, when furs are Skunk, and Ring-pr/me tailed Cat ] RED-HEAD DUCK The Red-head Duck has been greatly re- duced in numbers in this state in the past few years. Data collected the past year shows that there came to the markets of San Fran- cisco only 230 Red-heads making a total of .15 of one per cent of the total number of (lucks. The Red-head is a resident species and originally was very abundant in this state. Our resident ducks need far more protection than the migratory species. We believe, there- fore, that we are justified in recommending the. closlng of the season indefinitely. WOOD DUCK The Wood Duck is probably the rarest duck found in the state. Practically all of the Eastern states protect this bird throughout the year simply because it is found in such small numbers. But two or three wood ducks were seen in the markets of San Francisco during the past season. This shows the scarc- ity of the bird. OTHER DUCKS 'Most of the other ducks to be found in the 'state we believe are still in sufficient abund- ance to withstand a limited amount of de- struction at the hands of the hunter. We do, however, recommend the shortening of the season to three and one-half months, Oct. I5 to Feb. 1st, the bag limit to be. twenty per day. We also suggest that the bag limit on all ducks 'emain at fifty per week if the "no-sale of ducks" law does not pass. SHORE BIRD8 Most of the game birds have withstood de- struction at the hands of the hunter far better than the Shore Birds (Limicolae). We be- lieve that the shore birds in California have been greatly reduced in numbers and that many of. them are nearing extinction. Con- sequently we suggest that these birds be taken from the list of game birds and that they be rotected the year through. We owe some- thing to future generations and certain it is that our shore birds need protection above all' others. RAII We recommend that Rail be excluded from the game birds and placed on the protected list. The California Clapper Rail, the most important one of .these birds, is gradually nearing extinction not only because of the hunter but because of the reclamation of the lands frequented by the bird. In order that this valuable bird be conserved we believe it necessary that it be absolutely protected. GEESE Geese form a cheap and valuable source of food. The numbers of these birds has greatly decreased and, unless some sort of protection is afforded them, it will not be long before this source of food supply is exhausted. We therefore recommend the placing of an open season of three and one-half months, October lSth to February 1st, on geese. This is the particular time of year during which their depredations in grain fields are most notice- able, so that the open season at this time should prevent any antagonism. by ranchers of the state.