Study of the Eggs of the [eleagridae (with one photo) 1. I: ,Vhu. feldt 209 Nesting of the Rocky Mountain Nuthatch (with two photos) .... F. C. IVillard 213 A IIorseback Trip across Montana .................... trelas ,4. Saunders 215 Nesting Habits of the Western Bluebird Itarriet 14Zilliams l}Iyers 221 FROM FIELD AND STUI): Notes on the Texas Nighthawk (with one photo) IValter P. Taylor 222 Recent Santa Barbara Records __ W. Leon Dawson 223 The Probable Breeding of the Bohemian Waxwing in Montana lretas 4. Xaunders 224 The Calaveras Warbler in the Yellowstone National Park T.X. lPalmer 224 White Pelican at Bellingham Bay, Washington J. [. Edson 225 "Popular" Ornithology IV. Leon Daze,son 225 The Wood Duck at Santa Barbara J. I]. 13owles 225 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS __ 226 COMMUNICATIONS The Birds of Colorado It,': L. 3laler 226 Introduced Birds of New Zealanti . Jas. J9rammond 227 The California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life 227 Copy of I,etter aml Recommendations Submitted to the California Fish and Game Counnission by the Cooper Chlb through its Committees on Con- setration of Wild Life. __ 228 PUBLICATIONS REV1F, Wle, D ._ 231 MINUTES O COOPER CLUB .MEETINGS 233 Report of Organization Meeting, California Associated Societies for th Conserva- tion of Wild Life I . P. 7zj,lor 23.5 INDEX TO VOLUME XIV 2,36 Entered as second-class matter February. 1908, at the vost office at Ios Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 18/9. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood. Cal. I9I 3 Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are very busy with their regular occupations and that there is no salary connected with ANY office of "THE CONDOR." The Condor work vith all of us is a pleasure and is purely a matter of sentiment. Please help us all you can by remitting at once. W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Cal.