region, aboit three miles west of Pyramid Peak. Our way led mostly through forests of red fir and tamarack pine; at Blakeley's three Pine Grosbeaks were observed feeding along the west bank of Silver Fork. The next day, some miles north of Wright's Lake, two Grosbeaks were seen quietly feeding among red firs bordering our road. "On June 6, 1904, Peavine Ridge waslcrossed to Silver Creek, over snow in many places. At Blakeley's, near Wright's Lake, snow was banked up to the window sills. Seven or eight days were taken up in ranging through the country, but no Grosbeaks were observed. "This year, 1912, Taylor and I camped for some days at Star Lake, and a little later, in the beginning of July, two weeks were spent at Lake-of-the-Woods, near Pyramid Peak. On our return journey we crossed Devil's Basin into Rock- bound Valley and through Emerald Bay Gorge to Lake Tahoe, and though we traveled through miles of forest almost every day of our outing no Pine Gros- beaks were seen." The following table shows our previous fieldwork in Pine Grosbeak territory, all of which, with the exception of "Spooner-Marlette Lake", lies within Califor- nian territory. The record 9f July, 1902, I have questioned as I did not see the bird at close range. As we work some distance apart, where there were more than one afield, joint mileage i.given. TABI,E SHOWING OUR PREVIOUS FIEL,DWRKI.N.THI RANGE OF CAIIFORNIA PINE GROSBEAK "and Carriger "and Carrige and Littlejohn rune 4, 1901 rune 16, 1902 rune 21, 1902 Inly 1, 1902 Inly ,3, 1902 J'uly 4-7, 1902 'une 10, 1903 'une 11-12, 1903 'une 26-27, 1903 kugust 12, 1906 August 24-25, 1906 September 6, 1906 'une 3, 1909 'une 11-13, 1909 'une 22-24, 1909 une 28-July 1, 1909 Phillips' Station Star Lake Grass Lake Phillips' Station Pyramid Peak Region Phillips' Station Star Lake Phillips' Station Star Lake Phillips' Station Cold Creek Meadows Deerington's Spooner-Marlette Lake Star Lake-Lake of the Woods 'une 5, 1910 'une 9-13, 1910 'une 19-24, 1910 'une 28, 1910 'une 10-14, 1911 'une 24, 1911 '6500 to 7500 to 6500 to 6500 to 7000 to 7000 500 to 7500 to 5500 to 7500 to 5500 to !7500 6700 to 7000 to !6500 to Cold Creek Meadows 17500 to eyra,,mid ee,,ak Reg,on 65,,00 ,o Cold Creek Meadows Pyramid Peak Region 17500 Cold Creek Meadows 7600 9000 7300 7600 900 760 9000 7600 9000 7600 7600 8000 8500 8500 5 0 5 0 8 0 3 0 5 0 25 '1 (?) 4 0 15 0 12 0 5 0 12 0 5 0 4 0 11 0 14 0 29 2 16 0 90 10 0 117 2 5 2 Total iDays 40 Total Total 34riles Birda' 4,29 22' My own first field work in the haunts of the Pine Grosbeak was about Phil- rips' Station on the summit of the Lake Tahoe stage road, June 4, 1901. The work here, like that on June 16 of the following year, was done while en route to Lake Tahoe and was not extensive. No Pine Grosbeaks were observed on either trip. During 1902 I visited Star Lake on June 21, Grass Lake .July 1 and Phil- lips' Station for the second time on July 3, but failed to find any of the birds.