The 0oloist is the only publication in the United States devoted to these. It is now in its twenty-sixth year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cent per year. The Oologist, Lacon, I11. COLORID PLAT8 OF PACIFIC COAST BIRDS BIRD-LOEB has in preparation a series of biographies of Pacific Coast birds to be issued as ]ducational Leaf- lets and to be illustrated by full-page olored plates from drawings by Allan Brooks. The first of the series, on the Cali- fornia Valley Quail, by Joseph Mailliard. will appear in the issue for September- October, 1912; the second, on the Willow Ptarmigan, by Joseph Grinnell, in the issue for November-December. Others will follow through 1913. Special Offer to lrernbers of the Cooper Ornl- thological Club.--To members n! the Cooper Club we will give the two numbers for 1912, and Vol. XV. 1913, for $L00, the price of a year's sub- scription. This offer holds good only durinl October. 1912, and subscriptions should be sent directly to our publication office at Harrisburg. Pa. D. APPLITON & CO. Publishers of Bird-Lore BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTVEAR EUIPiIENT Small calibre guns and amunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The xm. fl. uoegee co., Inc. Phones Home 187; Mai 87 x38-x4 South Main St., s Angeles Wh 14 to The Management of "The Condor" wants to purchase or exchange for Odd Numbers of VOL. I BULLITIN O17 THI COOPIeR ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB ADDRESS W. LEE CHAMBERS; Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Cahf. )11 intrusion THI/ CONDOR.