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Knowlton. Dr. F. H., U.S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. 1910. Kofoid, Prof. C. A., Univ.ersity of Cali- fornia, Berkeley. 1909. Kohler, Louis S., 98 Watsessing Ave., Bloomfield, N.J. 1909. Kuser, John D., Bernardsville, New Jersey. 1912. ' :'"1  Lamb, Che}ter C., 549 W. 43rd Place, Los Angeles. 1899. Lancashire, Mrs. J. H., Alma, Michigan. 1911. Lane, F. M., 346 Blackstone Ave., Fresno. 1911. Law, J. Eugene, Hollywood. 1900. Lelande, H. J., 246 Wilcox Building, Los Angeles. 1897. Lewis, L. Alva, 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon.. 1912. Libby, Miss Gretchen L., care of Fish and Game Commission, Mills Bldg., San Francisco. 1911. Linton, C. B., 125 W. Ocean Ave., Long Beach. 1906. Litsey, John B., Jr., 1722 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. 1911. Littlejohn, Chase, Redwood City. 1909. Loomis, Leverett M.. California Academy Sciences, San Francisco. 1902, Love, Chas. A., 3353 22nd St., San Fran- cisco. 1901. Luce, George W., Haywards. 1904. Luther, Clarence H., 8 Mcllroy Bldg., Fay- etteville, Ark. 1909. Magee, Wm. A., Jr., R. F. D. Box 433, Fruitvale, Oakland. 1912. Mailliard, Ernest C., Bank of California, San Francisco. 1909. Mailliard, John W., 300 Front St., San Francisco. 1894. Mailliard, Joheph, 1815 Vallejo St., San Francisco. 1895. Marsden, H. W., Witch Creek. 1905. Massey, Herbert, Ivy Lea, Burnage, Dids- bury, Manchester, England. 1909. Matthews, Dr. Ellen, 142 Kenwood Ave., Glendale. 1901. McAtee, W. L., Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture Washington, D.C. 1907. McGraw, Kate W., 2301 Hearst Ave., Berkeley. 1912. McGregor, R. C., Bureau of Science, Man- ila, P. 1. 189& McLain, R. B., Market and 12th St., Wheeling., W. Va. 1897. McQuilling, W. S., 125 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena. 1909. Mearns, Maj. Edgar A., U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C.. 1905. )vleeker, Jesse C. A., 51 Washington Ave., Danbury, Conn. 1907. Meister, H. D., Wauseon, Ohio. 1909. Merrill, F. S., Box 855, Spokane, Wash. 1912. Mershon, W. B., Saginaw, Mich. 1911. Messenger, G. H., Linden, Iowa. 1910. Miller, Prof. Loye Holmes, State Normal School, Los Angeles. 1905. Miller, Mrs. Olive Thorne, 5928 Hayes Ave., Los Angeles. 1911. Miller,. W. DeWitt, American Museum Natural History, New York, N.Y. 1909. Miner, Dr. H. N., 1426 Henry St., Berke- ley. 1903. Mitchell, Dr. Walton I., 603 Beacon Bldg., Wichita, Kansas. 1909. Moore, Robert T., 46 Mansion Ave., Had- donfield, New Jersey. 1911. More, R. L., Vernon, Texas. 1911. Moran, R. B., 661 Wavefly St., Palo Alto. 1897. Morcom, G. Frean, 1815 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena. 1904. Mueller, Carl, Marysville. 1911. Munk, Dr. J. A., 337% So. Hill St., Los An- geles. 1909. Myers, Mrs. H. W., 306 Ave. 66, Los An- geles. 1912. Nehrling, H., Gotha, Orange Co., Florida. 1911. Nelson, E. W., Biol. Survey, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 'Washington, D.C. 1904. Newbury. F. E., 921 Shreve Bldg., San Francisco. 1904. Nichols, J. T., Columbus Ave. and W. 77th St., New York, N.Y. 1909. Nicholson, Donald J.,' Orlando, Florida. 1911. Noack, H. R., 309 Perry St., Oakland. 1901. Norris, Joseph Parker, Jr., 2122 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1911. Norris, Roy, 725 N. 10th St., Richmond, Indiana. 1911. Oberholser, Harry C., 1444 Fairmont St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 1904. Ohlendorf, W. C., M.D., New No. 1922 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1910. Osgood, Wilfred H., Field Museum Nat- ural History, Chicago, Ill. 1893. Otmer, Dr. F. H., Eureka. 1911. Owen, Miss Juliette A., 306 N. 9th St., St. . Joseph, Mo. 1911. Owen, Virgil W., U.S. Dist. Court, Fed- eral Bldg., Los Angeles. 1896. Palmer, Miss Elizabeth Day, 1741 Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles. 1909. Palmer, Dr. T. S., 1939 Biltmore St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 1903. ?arker, Herbert, South Lancaster, Mas 1911. Paul, Lucius H., 59 W. Miller St., Newark, N.Y. 1911.'

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