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the individual ' do? Become a center of information as to the present condition of our remnant of wild life, and an enthusiastic booster for more and better laws and the rigorous enforcement of those now existent. "The wild life of today is not wholly ours, -to dispose of as we please. It has been given to us in trust. We must account for it to those who come after us and audit our rec- ords."--W. P. TAYLO MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION MA.--The May meeting of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was called to order in the committee room of the Museum of History, Science and Art, with Mi'. Willett in the chair and the following members present: Howell, Lamb, Willett, Antonin Jay, Alphonse Jay, Zahn, Davis, Daggett, Rich, and Miller. The following ladies were visitors: Miss Mary H. Hainline, Denver, Colorado; Mrs. A. W. Bev- en, Chicago, I11., and Miss F. M. Shields, Chicago, I11. The chairman appointed Mr. Miller as sec- retary pro tern. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. On mo- tion by Mr. Lamb, the secretary was instruc- ted to cast the unanimous ballot of the club electing to membership the following appli- cants, as proposed at the April meeting:- Kate W. McGraw, C. W. Chamberlain, Asa W. Chandler, L. K. Tevls, and Geo. Wood. The name of Mrs. Frances M. Harmon was proposed for membership in the club, the ap- plication to lie on the table till the next reg- ular meeting of the club. The resignation of Dr. Garrett Newkirk of Pasadena was read and upon motion by Mr. Daggett was ac- cepted. Announcement of the death of Mr. A. B. Frost was read and was referred to the secretary for publication in TE CONDO. Letters from Mr. W. P. Taylor of the northern division of the Club regarding pro- tection of wild life of the state were read, and freely and .favorably discussed by the club. On motion by Mr. Daggett, seconded by Mr. Lamb, the secretary of the committee on the preservation of wild life was author- ized to write letters to various members of the committee in Congress having to do with federal legislation on the protection of game. The meeting adjourned to spend a very pleasant hour under the direction of Mr. Da.- get inspecting the beautiful building of the museum and the very creditable work ac- complished in the short time that its energetic director has been at work. Unqualified com- mendation was expressed by all.--Lo. ML- LE, Secretary pro tern. Jus.--The meeting of the Southern Divi- sion of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held on June 27, 1912, in the committee room of the Museum of History, Science and Art, with vice-president Lelande in the chair, and the following members present: Mrs. Har- mon, and Messrs. Chambers, Daggett, Fisher, Granville, Howard, Howell, Lamb, Law, Le- lande, Miller, Rich, Smith,' Snyder, Willett, and Zahn. The minutes of the Southern Division for May were read and approved. Upon motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Rich and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to. cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Mrs. Frances Harmon, proposed at the last meeting. Applications for membership were pro- posed as follows: Don C. Phillips, Bakers- fieldi California, proposed by H. C. Bryant; R. D. Jewett, Los Angeles, proposed by G. Willett; Chas. Jeffreys, Tetbury, England, proposed by A. B. Howell; John Dryden Kuser, Bernardsville, N.J., proposed by W. Lee Chambers. Upon motion of Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Chambers and duly carried, the secretgry was instructed .to notify the Audubon Socie- ty that the Southern Division of the Cooper Club. would gladly co-operate with it in endeavoring to procure satisfactory bird legis- lation. After an extended discussion of bird legislation and a pleasant bird chat, the meet- ing adjourned and inspected the progress made in placing specimens in the new muse- um. The displays are beginning to show up and some of the new ideas, which Mr. Dag- gett as Director has introduced, will result in a very attractive exhibit. Adjourned.--J. E. Law, Secretary. JuL.--The July meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held on Thursday evening, July 25, 1912, in the Directors' room at the Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art, with the following members present: Cham- bers, Daggett, Howell, Lamb, Law, Miller, and Rich, and A. W. Brauer as visitor. Mr. Daggett was elected Chairman. The minutes of the Southern Division for June were read and approved. Messrs. Don C. Phillips, R. D. Jewett, Chas. Jeffreys and John Dryden Kuser, nominated at a pre- vious meeting, were elected to active mem- bership. The resignation of M. C. ,Blake was accepted. Applications for member- ship were proposed as follows: Samuel Hubbard, Jr., Oakland, Cal., proposed by A. B. Hovell; Jesse J. Wood, Santa Bar- bara, Cal., proposed by W. Lee Chambers; Mrs. J. W. Wheeler, Seattle, Wash., pro- posed by J. L. Sloanaker; William A. Magee, Jr., Oakland, Cal., proposed by W. Lee Chambers. On motion by Mr. Miller and seconded by Dr. Rich, the by-law relating to the distribution of Avifaunas was altered to read: "The sale and distribution of Avifaunas to be left in the hands of the Business Managers, who shall establish prices for the sale of such publications. Members shall receive copies of such publications at half regular prices thus established." A telegram to Mr. Law from the State Fish and Game Commission was read, star-

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