The Discovery of the Nest all(! Eggs of the California Pine Grosbeak (xvith 17 pitotos by OlufJ. ]-]einentann anti the author) ,[illon Ray 157 Notes from Todos Santos Islands t. 13. Zlowell 187 Some Birds of the Saw-tooth Monntains, Idaho.. ganIcy G. Jcweit 191 FROM FI I.I.D AND S'I'UD: Breeding o[ the Band-tailed Pigeon in blarin County, California Josepit dllailliard 194 Some 1912 Spring Notes from Southern California G. II'ille/l 194 Breeding of the Scott Sparrow (with one photo) F.C. llqllard 19,5 White-inged Dove in the San Diegan District Josepit 10ron 196 Paroquet Auklet in Humboldt Count : I. CltO' 196 An Elevated Camp Iwith two pitotos) Charles It: owles 196 Egrets in California ._ [qt. C. yryant 199 Blue Jay hnitating Song of Brown Titrasher $: X. Iffsher 199 The Northern Brown Towhee J. Grinnell 199 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEw's 200 Shall California IIave a "No-sale of American Ducks" Law? If: /'. Taylor 200 [INUTES OF COOPER CLUB IIEETINGS ....... 201 Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club 202 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the pot office at Los Angtqes (Hollywood Station}. California. under Act of Congress of .Aiarch 3, 179 Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. ri. Li,t of Cooper Club Publications MAGAZINE Vol. I, 1899, Bulletin of the Cooper Orn. Club (out of print) Vol. II, 1900, The Condor $5.00 VoL 111, 1901, " " 5.00 Vol. IV, 1902, " " 3.00 Vol. V, 1903, " " 2. Vol. 'I, 1904, " 2.00 Vol. VII, 1}5, " 2.00 Vol. VIII, 19116, " " - 1,5(} X'o]. IX, 1907, " " 1.50 Vol. X, 1908, " " - Vol. XI, 1909, " " 1.50 'ol. Xll, 1911}, " " 1.51) Vol. NIII, 1911, " " 2.00 Vol. X1V, 1912, " " current 1.50 Separates (a very few copies) "lAst of Land Birds of Placerville, Cal.," (Central Sierra Nevada hits.) by Chester Barlow; 35 pages; 11 half- tones, Nov. 101 . PACIFIC COAST AV1FAUNA No. I--"irds of the Kotzebne Sound Region, Alaska," by Joseph Grin- nell; 8(} pp. and map; Nov. 1900 $ .75 No. lI--"Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, California," by R. C. Mc- Gregor; 22 pp.; May, 190I N'o. I I I-"CheckList of California Birds," by Joseph Grinnell; 100 pp. and 2 maps: June, 1902 1.50 .o. Ir--"Birds of the Huachuca Mrs., Arizona," by Harry S. Sv, arth; 75 pp.; April 1,5, 1904 - .50 No. V--"A Bibliography of California Ornithology," by Joseph Grinnell; 166 pp.; May 15, 1909 1.50 No. Vl--lmlex to the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithologic4al Club, vol. I, 1899, and its continuation The Condor, Vols. II-X, 19004908, by H. B. Kaeding; 48 pp.; xNlay 15, 'nq 1.00 LDmplele a'onr files before it is too lale. W. LEE CHAIIBRS, Bus. lgr. "The Cor, dor." lagle Rock, Loo Angeles Co., California.