We reached Phillips' Station late the following afternoon, however, without having seen a single Pine Grosbeak. In ornithology, as in politics, it seems that the unexpected so often happens; and so it occurred the following morning, when we came upon a pair of the long-sought Grosbeaks by the roadside near DeeringtoWs. One of the birds was on the ground and the other on a fir bough just above. The discovery brought us to an abrupt standstill, and while engaged in observing the pair we saw with disgust the approach of a six horse mountain team. On it came, xvith the crack of whip, the creak of wheels and the clatter of hoofs. Our birds paused a moment and then took wing. Wistfully we watched them as they flew up the mountain side until they were 1os. t to view. With the exception of a pair I closely observed for several hours feeding in the trees on Fig. 67. ECHO, ELEVATION 5700 FEET, THE NEAREST POST-OFFICE TO THE TYPE LOCALITY OF Pinicola californica: THE PHOTO GIVES AN IDEA OF THE RUGGEDNESS OF THE COUNTRY EN ROUTE; IT IS NEAR HERE THAT BOTH A TRAIL AND A ROAD START FOR THE PYRAiIID PEAK REGION, THE FORMER BEING DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STATE ROAD OPPOSITE THE TALL DEAD TREE IN THE FOREGROUND the edge of Cold Creek Meadow on June 24 these were the only birds seen during the year 1911. At the beginning of the present year (1912), notwithstanding past reverses, plans were laid for a return journey to the Pyramid Peak region to make another search for the eggs of the California Pine Grosbeak. Both Littlejohn and I desired to make another attempt, but Carriger, although also willing, found that he would be unable to accompany us. Heinemann, my companion on many for- mer trips, volunteered his services as photographer, of which we were very glad to avail ourselves. By early spring every detail was carefully worked out, as we endeavored where we could to overcome the difficulties and prevent the mistakes of previous