For Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members of the
Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but notJbr sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eale t?ock, Los Angeles Co., CaL WaNTED--The Condor, vols. V to XII, in- clusive. JOItN C.. PEIII, LIPS, 14/enham, Mass. THE GREAT AUK--A Record of Sales of Birds and Eggs by Public _&uction in Great Britain, 1806-1910, by Thos. Parkin; 36 pages and $ plates. A postal money order for two shillings sent direct to MR. THOMAS PARKIN, Higa l&Yckh,tm, IuraslinKs, England, will bring a copy by return ulsil. WAN FED FOR CASH--BIRD LORE, a com- plete set; also vols. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, complete or an), odd nmnbers of these vols. THE AUK, vols. I to 10 inclusive; also any magazines or books on ornithology. J. N. SwiF% $'iock- port, '. WAHTED--ColIecting parties desiring to visit the Pacific coast islands south of San Francisco to Magdalena Bay, Mex, may charter the fast boat "Flyer". Special rates to Cooper Club members and their friends. Write C. B. LIx- TON INVESTMENT Co., Long leach, Cal. WaHTEl)--Vidioiogist: vol. I, nos. a 5, 6; Osptey, vol. I, no. 2; vol IV, no. $; vol. V, no. 3; lu, vols. I to VIII, XI, XII, XIII, XVI and XXVIII, vol. IX, no. 3, vol XXI, no. $; Journ. ,llaine Ornilh..c., vols. I-II, vol. III, no. 1,4;vol IV, nos 2, 3; vol. V, no. 1; vol. IX, nos. 3, 4; Bull. ,Iich. Ornilh. Club, any complete vols. Cash or exchange. DR. T. W. RtCHARDS, 1207 19th Sl. N. Ill., WashingIon, D.C. FOR SaLE--Various odd numbers of ornitho- logical magazines and other publications, includ- ing the following: O and O, vol. VI, nos. 2- 10; vol. VII; vol VIII, nos. 2-7. The Observer, vol. III, nos. 1, 5, 9; vol. V; vol. VI, nos. 1-11; vol. VIII, nos. 2-10. R.W. SHtFELDT, 3356 18lb .1reel, II/ashingIon, 19. C. I WILL PAY a good price for the following pub_lica.tions, all to be ound, in their ogihal covers and suitable for binding. ' I will accept bound vols. when bound in with original cov- ers Birds, Birds and Nature, vols. i to 11 inclusive. The Oologist of Utica, N.Y., with its continuation the Ornithologist & Oologist, vols. 1 to 6 inclusive, all nos. of vol. 9 except 1, 5, ll and 12; The Oregon Naturalist, nos. 2 & 3, vol. 1, nos. 1 & 2, vol. 2; Bulletin of .Mich- igan Ornithological Club, all nos. issued; Birds of Middle & N.A. by Ridgway, part 5; Catalogue of Canadian Birds, by Macoun, part 1; Wilson Bulletin, no. 8; The Iowa Ornithologist, voIs. 2, 3 & 4; The XVestern Ornithologist, all nos. issued after no. 1 of vol..5; ThePetrel,all no. issued af- ter no. 1 of vol. 1; The Atlantic Slope Naturalist, all nos. issued except nos. 2, $, .5 of vol. 1; also all numbers issued of the following: The Or- uithologist and Botanist; The Oologist's Ex- change: The Wolverine Naturalist; The Oolo- gist's Advertiser; The Oxvl; Stormy Petrel; Gameland; The Museum; Curlew; The Hummer; Tile Egg Collector; The Bittern; Ohio Natural- ist: Cassinia, and many others too numerous to mention, so write me what you have. I have complete vols. of Oologist and Bird-Lore for exchange. GEORGE SH GUOH, Napoleon- vdle, La. WaHTE--Correspovdence with all persons x ho have done any kind of ornithological work in Wyoming. Send me names and addresses of yourselves and friends. ERHESg PILLSBLR WALKER, Depl. of Biolo7y, Univ. of l/yom., Laramie, IVyorn. WAHTE--I will give two dollars cash for EACH nnmber, in ORIGINAL COVERS, CLEAN anti in PERFEC. T CONDITION for binding, of the following publications, to-wit: Wilson Bulletin, nos. 4, 6, 7; The Osprey (new aeries), vol. I (1902), no. 7; The Oologist, vol. III (1886) vol. IV {1887), no. 1; vol. v (1888), no. 6; vol. VI (1889), no. 4; The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, vol. IV, numbers $ and 4; vol. V, no. $; The Iowa Or- nithologist, vol. II, no. 4; vol. IV, nos. 2 and 4.--G. H. MESSENGER, President Linden Bank, Linden, Iowa. WaI, rTlV. D.--Of the Utica Oologist, the follow- ing back numbers for which I will pay the high- est cash price, viz: Volume II, nos. 1, 2, 3; vol. III, nos. 9, 12; VOI. Iv, no.?.--R. xM. BaRHES, Lacon, Ill. WAHTED FOR CaSH--Clean and in good con- dition for binding, "Bulletin of Cooper Club", vol. I, nos. 5 and 6.GEo. kV. SCltIJSSLIR, 154q Oak 3L, San Francisco, Calif. NIDIOLOGISgS FOR SALE--Vol. II, complete, Sl.50; vol. III, complete, $2.00; vol. IV, com- plete, $1.50, in parts as issued, with covers; s new.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, aKle Rock, Los lngeles Co., Calif. FOR $aLERidgway's "Birds of North nd lliddle/kmeriea," parts 1-2-$-4, bound in half black leather. Price $15.--H. S. HatHawaY, lox 1466, trovidence, R. L