HE CONDOR Vol. XIV INCLUDED BY SCLATIR (1912) AND NOT BY COOKE (1909). ?elecanus occidentalis Coccycus americanux Phalaenoptilus nuttalli itidus Chordeiles acutipennis texensis Empidonax griseus Empidonax trailli alnorum Otocoria alpestris enthymia Agelaius phoeniceus Loxia curvirostra minor Astragalinus psaltria arixonae .4stragalinus psaltria mexicanus Protonotaria citrea Dendroica virens INCLUDED BY COOKE (1909) NOT BY SCLATER (1912). Phalaropus fulicarius A egialitis meloda Meleagris gallopavo silvestris Phasianus torquatus Buteo Ibeatus elegans Otus asio Sphyrapicus varius Muscivora [or[icata Otocoris alpestris praticola Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis Ju.co byemalls montanus Junco hyemal(s oreganus Junco byemalls anectets l/ermivora celata lutescens Geothlypis trichas Planestitus migratorius AND Pelecanus occidentalis. First recorded for Colorado by H. G. Smith (CON' ooR xn, 1910, 133) from a specimen taken at Thomasville and now in the State Museum. Coccyzus americanus. Included by Cooke in his original 'Birgls of Colo- rado' on Bendire's record; later withdrawn by Cooke (Auk, xxvi, 1909, 412) as the evidence seemed insufficient. Now restored by Sclater based on a specimen taken by Aiken, June 4, i898, at Ramah. This specim en has been sent to the Biological Survey and the identification confirmed by Oberholser. Sclater con- sfders all of the yellow-billed cuckoos of Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains to belong to this form, while he ig doubtful whether the western form, occidentalis, deserves a place in the list. Three yellow~billed cuckoos lately sent to the Biological Survey 'for identi- fication by L. J. Hersey incJude both forms, afd queerly enough one iaken in the mountains on Clear Creek, August 23, 1910, is americanus, while one taken on the plains at Barr, July 25, 191 l, is occidentalis. Phalaenoptilus nuttalli nitidus. Sclater follows the A. O. U. Check-List in considering this a valid form and entitled to a place in the Colorado list. Cooke included it originally, but dropped it as being only a color phase of n, ttalli. Chordeiles acutipennis texensis. This addition to the Colorado list was secured by Aiken, June ]1, 1908, at Hoehne, near Trinidad. Empidonax trailli alnorum. Added to the Colorado list by Sclater from a specimen taken May 27, 1905, by Aiken near Limon. The identification has since been confirmed by Oberholser. Since this form breeds in British C91umbia and eastern Montana it is not strange that it should pass through eastern Colorado in migration. Empidonax griseus. First recorded for Colorado by Ridgway (Birds N. and Mid. Am. Iv, 1907, 571) from a specimen taken May 24, at Newcastle. Sclater adds the record of one taken by Aiken May $, 1872, near Fountain. A specimen now in the Biological Survey was taken by Cary September 5, 1906, in the Escalente Hills of western Routt County. Otocoris alpestris enthymia. Sclater follows Oberholser in recognizing this form and considering it a winter visitant to Colorado. This form has been rejected by the A. O. U. Committee. Agelaius phoeniceus. Sclater recognizes two forms of red-winged black-