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in only one instance did we encounter any birds vhose actions gave us any reason to believe that they vere actually nesting. This vas a Least Sandpiper vhich was seen on a small stretch of sandy beach on May 24, 1907; and a week later (May 30) the same bird (presumably) vas seen at the same place and exhibited some excitement at our intrusion. The bird vas very tame and even vhen frightened, refused to leave the vicinity of the supposed nesting site. Hovever the most nfinute search failed to reveal a nest. As we vere unsuccessful in making any definite discoveries the actual dates vill be given, leaving the reader to form his ovn opinions. Macrorhamphus griseus scolopaceus. LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER. Observed Fig. 53. NEST AND EGGS OF UPLAND PLOVER April 26, 27, May 1, 11, 24, and July 5, 1907; and April 26, May 10 and May 17, 1908. Micropalama himantopus. STILT SANDmrE. (Observed April 27, July 5, and October 5, 1907, and May 9, 1908. Pisobia maculata. PECTOmal. SANDriVElS. Observed April 21, 26, July 28 and October 5, 1907. Pisobia bairdi. BAreD SAX'PPEI. Observed May 11, J.nly 21, 28. Sep- tember 2 and October 5, 1907; and May 2, 10, 17, 30, August 15 and 22, 1908. Pisobia minutilla. LE^ST SANDPn'm. Observed April 26, May 1, May 24. May 30, July 5, July 21, 28, September 2 and October 5. 1907; and April 26, May 3, 10, 17, June 14 and June 19, 1908.

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