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lor Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members of the

Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CHAmBeRS, fagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Cal. WANTED--I will give two dollars cash for EACH nmnber, in ORIGINAL COVERS, CLEAN and in PERFECT CONDITION for binding, of the following publications, to-wit: Wilson Bulletin, nos. 4, 6, 7; The Osprey (new series), vol. I (1902)., no. 7; The Oologist, vol. III {1886) vol. IV (1887), no 1; vol. v {1888), no. 6; vol. VI (1889), no. 4; The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, vol. IV, numbers 3 and 4; vol. V, no. 3; The Iowa Or- nithologist, vol. II, no. 4; vol. IV, nos. 2 and 4.--G. H. MESSENGER, President Linden Bank, Linden, Iowa. WANTED--Correspondence with persons who who have done any work on Birds, Mammals, Reptiles or Amphibians of Wyoming. Send Atones and addresses of yourselves and friends to ERNEST PILLSBURV WALKER, JDept. Biology, University of F/yoming Laramie, Wyoming. FOR SALRidgxy's "Birds of North and Middle America," parts 1-2-3-4, bound in half black leather. Price $15.H. S. IIATHAWA, t?Or 1466, Providence, R. I. WANTED--Auk, July 1910; Condor vii, nos. 4. 5, 6; Io*va Ornithologist, vol. Iv; Widmann's "Birds of Missonri"; 16 gauge gun with .32 anxiliary barrel.J. L. SLOANAKER, 411.5'prmg St., Newton, Iowa. WANTED OR CASH--Clean and in good con- dition for binding, "Bulletin of Cooper Clnb", vol. I, nos. 5 and 6.--GEo. V. SCHUSSLER, 1345 Oak 5., San Francisco, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE--Foreign sets of game birds; cranes, storks, parrots, etc., for sets of waders, raptores, sparrows, etc. Many sets of one kind Iaken.--J. CLAIRI WOOD, 179 17th St., JOe- troit, 2}lick. FOR SALE--Country Life in America, 20 vols., with eight nnmbers of Country Calendar, all in good condition, $20; O. & O., vols. 9 to 10 handsomely bound in morocco with gilt edges, $10. Want bird magazines in 1ots. LAUREN TREIdPER, 136 . Dewey SA, Phila- delphia, Pa. WANTEdVols. ! to 6 inc., of Auk; Coues' Birds Colorado Valley. Offer Ridgway's Birds No. & Mid. Am., parts I to 5 inc., or cash, skins or eggs from this section. Oologists please take sets with cow bird eggs in them for me, nests included.--H. H. BAILEY, dVgwport 2Vews, Virginia. NIDIOLOGISTS FOR SALE--Vol. II, complete, $1.50; vol. III, complete, $2.00; vol. IV, com- plete, $1.50, in parts as issued, with covers; as new.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los zfngeles Co., Calif.. XVANTEDWilson Bulletin 2, 4; The Oologist, Utica, N. ., vol. I complete; II, 1, 2; III, 8, 9; IV, complete; V, complete; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornith. Club, vol. I, odd nos. W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los 4ngeles Co., CaL Wa-TED--Ornithologist & Oologist, vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 1888; Osprey 3, no. 7. O. WID- sa, $15 Von Versen St., St. Louis, 2}Io. WANTED.--Of the Utica Oologist, the follow- ing back numbers for which I will pay the high- est cash price, viz: Volrune IX, nos. 1, 2, 3; vol. IIl, nos. 9, 12; VOI.Iv, no. 7.--R.M. BARNES, Lacon, Ill. WANTED--Correspondence with all persons who have done any kind of ornithological work in Wyoming. Send me names and addresses of yourselves and friends. ERNEST PILLSBURY WALKER, Dept. of t?iology, Uni. of IVyore., Laramie, lyom. WANTED--Osprey, vol. 1, No. 2; Osprey, vol. 4, nos. 8, 9, 10. C.J. PENNOCK, Annett Square, Pa. WNTED--A few skins of Golden Plover in exchange for California skins and sets, also A1 set of Black Oystercatcher to exclmnge for set of Woodcock. G. WILLETT, 2123 Court St., Los Angeles, CaL WANTED FOR CASH--Best market prices paid for Bird-Lore, vol. 2, no. 2, and Wilson Bulletin, nos. 4, 6, 7 & 8. Louis S. KOHLER, 1oom- fieM, N. J. WAtTED--Choice sets of 453a--455a---,363 469---640--646646b--947--651 ---652b690 662 --663a464-- 672---675a---681c -- 681e -- 682 --537 540--540a -- 540b -- 542-- 542b-- 546a -- 554a  559--563a--S&5--566--567e568 570a -- 573a  574a--576---579---580-- 580a-- 580b -- 582 -- 585 -- 585b -- 594--.594b--597a--610a--621 --525629a 629c--630--631a632c--634. A.E. PRICE, Grant Park, IlL

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