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numbers of TH CONDOR, Avifauna, cuts and 

so forth. W. Lee Chambers agreeing to re- pay to the Club the amount it invests in the building, at such time as the Club shall no longer have use for the room. Mr. Dawson had wlth him a very handsome selection of late photographs of birds show- ing wonderful success; also several of the original paintings by Allan Brooks which will be put in the Edition de Luxe of "The Birds of California". Adjourned.--J. E. LAw, Sec- . retary. MARcH--The March meeting of the South- ern Dvision of the Cooper Ornithologmal Club was held on Thursday evening, March 28, 1912, in the office of H. J. Lelande, 246 Wil- cox Building, Los Angeles, with President Morcom in the chair and the following mem- bers present: Messrs. Blaine, Chambers, Grey, O. W. Howard, Hubbs, Antonln Jay, Judson, Knickerbocker, Lamb, Lelande, Lin- ton. Miller, Rich, Robertson, Willett, Zahn, Law; and as visitors, Mr. George Wood of Hollywood and Mr. McClusky of the new Museum. The minutes .of the Southern Division for F[bruary were read and approved and the minutes of the Northern Division for Febru- ary were read. On motion by Mr. Wiilett, seconded by Mr. Howard, and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership, Mesdames Head, Meyers, and Wythe, and Messrs. Flint and Stone, nominated at pre- vious meeting. Application was presented from Mr. James Buckland of the Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Ave., London, Eng., pro- posed by Mr. W. Lee Chambers. The committee appointed to make recom- mendations in regard to game laws for south- ern California made the following recom- mendations Which, on motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Chambers and duly carried, were adopted and ordered filed: OPEN SEASON BAG LIMIT Valley Quail Oct. 15-Nov. 15 20 per day Mountain Quail Sep:t. 1-Dec. 1. 10 .... .. Mourning Dove SeptAS-Oct. 15 20 ...... Band-tailedPigeon Nov. 1-Mar. 1, 20 .... All Duck Oct. 15-Feb. 15 20 .... Wilson Snipe Nov. 15-Apr. 15 20 .... Killdeer" Oct. 15-Feb. l,5 20 .... Rail Nov. I-Dec. 1 1,5 .... Closed season for at least 2 years and longer if possible--Ibis, Avocet, Stilt, Godwit, Yel- low-legs. Willet, Curlew, Black-bellied Plover, Mountain Plover. Be excluded from game birds and cn pro- tected list--All other Waders, including Sand- pipers, Phalaropes, Dowitcher, Knot, Sander- ling,Tattler, Semipalmated and Snowy Plover, Surf-lird, Turnstones, and Oys.ter-catchers. Pump guns for all game birds be prohibited after January 1, 1915. On motion by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Miller, the above committee was con- tinued and instructed to make a list of the birds commonly considered harmful, but in reality beneficial, and make an outlined plan looking toward' distributing and posting such facts where they will come to the attention of gunners. A few brief notes from Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, by Mr. H. J. Rust, were read by the Secretary. Adjourned.--J. E. LAW, Secte- ta ry. NORTHERN DIVISION MARcHThe mon[hly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, on Saturday evening, March 16. President Coggins was in the chair, and the following members present: Miss Atsatt and Miss Heald, and Messrs. Brown, Boyce,Camp,Carriger, Gifford,Grin- nell, Ritter, Storer, Taylor, and Swarth. Pro- fessor H. B. Torrey and Mr. A. C. Chandler were visiiors. The paper of the evening, "The Relation Between Size of Wings and Extent of Flight in Birds," by Professor W. E. Rit- ter, was taken up first, and the reading of the paper, with the subsequent discussion, occu- pied most of the session. After a short intermission the routine busi- ness before the meeting was taken up. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. followed by the Southern Divi- sion February minutes. The following, whose names were presented last month. were elect- ed to membership: Miss Anna Head. Miss Margaret W. Wythe, George E. Stone, Frank H. Renick, Lloyd Servis, and Frank M. Phelps. New names were presented as follows: Mrs. Harriet Williams Myers, by W. L. Dawson; Win. R. Flint, by A. B. Howell; James Buck- land. by W. Lee Chambers. Mr. Taylor, Chairman of the Conservation Committee, gave a brief summary of the work accomplished, and an outline of the plans of future work. Mr. Storer suggested for the consideration of the Club a plan for the acquisition and care of a series of photographic slides, dealing with ornithological subjects, to be held for the use of Club members. The chair appointed Mr. Storer a committee of one to look into the matter, and ascertain the practicability of the idea. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary.

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