103 Fort Morgan, where there was a nest on the fair grounds, which had three eggs June 2; it was noted at Wild Cat Creek and near Briggsdale. 92. Dumetella carolinensis. Catbird. Observed at Fort Collins; be- tween the Forks and Log Cabin; and about twelve miles south of Steamboat Springs. 93. Toxostoma rufum. Brown Thrasher. One seen at Wild Cat Creek. 94. Salpinctes obsoletus. Rock Wren. Seen at Elbert; Cedar Point, where it was common, as also at Pawnee Buttes; near Log Cabin; Lake John; near Empire and below there, quite frequently. 95. Troglodytes aedon parkmani. Western House Wren. Noted at Bijou Creek; between Log Cabin and Elkhorn; Hell Creek, where one was seen carrying an insect in its bill, but would not go to its nest while we were about; 'Juffalo Pass saw mill; Steamboat Springs, where one came about camp and investigated the wagon, crawling about everywhere underneath the box. While 1 Fig. 41. NEST OF MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD PLACED IN AN OLD MAIL BOX 0 stopping for lunch August 2, about twelve miles south of Steamboat Springs, we saw a Wren carrying insects into a hole in an oak fence post. The hole was so small we could not make out what was inside. but no doubt young birds. 96. Sitta pygmea. Pygmy Nuthatch. Seen in the pines about four miles west of Eastonville. 97. Penthestes gambeli. Mountain Chickadee. Seen at Hell Creek. Buffalo Pass saw mill, and Steamboat Springs. 98. Regulus calendul Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Durand collected a pair at Chambers Lake, and a young of the year at Buffalo Pass saw mill; seen at Mt. Zirkel camp; near Buffalo Pass I saw a little troop of them which seethed to be a family party, parents and 3roung. 99. Myadestes townsendi. Townsend Solitaire. Observed near Hell Creek and about Mt. Zirkel.