feeding, and one would have thought it wiser to take chances on the bu. gs, and let the swallows eat the other insects. Seen at Steamboat Springs and south of there. August 3, about three miles south of Phippsburg, I saw a flock which must have consisted of several hundred birds. At one time most of them perched on some service berry bushes, which they almost covered. A good many were seen at Kremmling. A few nests were seen on rocks in a railroad cut just out- side of Sulphur Springs. Noted at Fraser, and west of Golden. 82. Hirundo erythrogastra. Barn Swallow. Seen north of Colorado Springs near Elbert; Bijou Creek; Simla; between Big Muddy Creek and Fort Morgan; near Ault; between there and Fort Collins; at that town and occasion- ally from there to near Elkhorn; ten miles south of Walden, and at that place; at the North Platte River; Hell Creek; near Phippsburg and Coulter. 83. Tachycineta thalassina lepida. Violet-green Swallow. First ob- served at Chambers Lake, where it was common, as also on the North Park side of Cameron Pass, and along the road to Walden. It was at Hell Creek and seen flying at high altitudes about Mt. Zirkel. Noted at Buffalo Pass saw mill. Near Ste&mboa't Springs, July 28, I saw one enter a hole in a dead aspen by the road- side; presumably it had young there. Observed at Steamboat Springs, and at various places betweei there and Coulter. 84. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Noted eight miles west of Elbeft. At Bijou Creek, May 22, I found a nest containing five eggs in a willow. Seen frequently between Bijou Creek and Simla, and was at Cedar Point. A few miles west of Agate we found a nest with five fresh eggs; this was also in a willow. Seen near Fort Morgan, and at that place Durand discovered a nest with seven eggs; this was in a cottonwood on the fair grounds. Noted about eighteen miles south of Steamboat Springs; on Toponas Creek, and near Coulter. 85. Dendroica astiva. Yellow Warbler. Seen west of the "Forks"; above Home P. O.; at our Cameron Pass camp; Lake John; at Steamboat Springs it was common about our camp, which was among the cottonwoods by the river; seen at Troublesome Creek. 86. Oporornis tolrniei. MacGillivray Warbler. One seen at Cedar Point, May 27. 87. Wilsonia pusilia pileolata. Pileolated Warbler. One taken at Cham- bers Lake. 88. Antbus rubescerts. Pipit. Seen on the mountains about Cameron Pass, June 23; I thought from their actions they were but just mated. It was common about Mt. Zirkel, where, on July 11, I saw one with an insect in its bill, and acting as if it wished to feed its young, but it would not go to the nest while I was about. One seen at Buffalo Pass. 89. Cinclus mexicanus unicolor. Water Ouzel. Seen near the Cameron Pass camp; in Red Canyon; at Steamboat Springs, in Fish Creek. and in Vasquez Creek. ' 90. Oreoscoptes rnontanus. Sage Thrasher. This bird was abundant everywhere in the sage brush in the North Park. The young seemed to be about. July 18. It was at Steamboat Springs, and often seen between there and Vasquez. 91. Mirnus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockingbird. Two were seen at Cedar Point; Rockwell saw one at a slough a mile or so west of Agate; one was noted at[ a ranch north of Big MuddyCreek; it seemed to be common at