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Some North-central Colorado Bird Notes (with map and twelve photos) ..................................................................................................... Edward R. larren 81 An Afternoon's Fiehi Notes ..................................................... jr. Grinnell 104 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Some Cleanses and Additions to the List of Birds of Southwestern Mon- tana .................................................................................... ,,Irelax .4. Sannders 107 Migration of White-necked Ravens ............................................... F. C. IVillard 107 The Western Marsh Wren Wintering near IIelena, Montana ............. ............................................................................ ,drelas .4. Saunders 108 Who Will Save the Band-tailed Pigeon? .......... I. Lee Chambers 108 Two New Birds for Colorado ..................................... L. dr. Hersoy 108 A Correction .................... Irelas ,4. Saunders 108 EDITORIAL NOTES AND IE'S .................................... 109 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ...................................... 109 COMMUNICATO: .............................................................. Frank L. Burns 109 I[INUTES OF COOPER CLUB I[EEINGS 111 ntered as second-class matter February. 1908. at the poat office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station}. California. under Act of Congress of Mnrch . 1879. lsstled from the Office of The Condor. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cnl. BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Trmnping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT Small calibre guns nd amunition, gmne bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The Win. II. H0egee C0., Inc. Greatest Spoiling Goods House on the Pacific Coast Phones Home 10087; Main 8447 x38-x4a outh Main t., I, oa Angelea The Management of "The Condor" wants to purchase Odd Numbers of VOL. I. BULLETIN OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Wo ADDRESS LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

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