52. Corvus corax sinuatus. Raven. 53. Corvus brachyrhynchos. Crow. Durand and I could never agree as to the identity of certain birds we saw at Walden, near the North Platte River, and at Lake John. He was quite positive they were Crows, but I am sure that some, at least. were Ravens. But we did run across a flock of birds July 5, while driving from Hell Creek to Lake John, which may have been Crows; they were rather small for Ravens, and there were more together than one often sees ef that bird. We were unable to secure any specimens of these or any of the others we saw. Mr. E. N. Butler of Walden, who has resided in the North Park many years, told me he could not recall ever having seen Crows in that region. 54. Nucifraga columbiana. Clarke Nutcracker. Seen twice on Mr. Zirkel. 53. Molothrus ater. Cowbird. Noted at Elbert. Bijou Creek, between Ault and Fort Collins, and west of the Forks P.O. Seen south of Walden, and was very common at that place. Was at the North Platte, and between there Fig. 38. WESTERN NIGHTHAWK Oll FENCE RAIL. Figs. 36, 37, AND 38 SHOW CHARACTERISTIC NIGHTHAWK POSES and Lake John. Later it was observed at Troublesome Creek and Fraser. 56. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. First noted a few miles east of Fort Collins, and then a little way west of there. There were some at Walden. The patch of rushes in Lake John was alive with the birds, and we found many nests with from one to four eggs; one set of the latter number was collected and iroved to be well incubated. In one nest we found a just-hatched young bird, an egg of the ordinary size, and runt egg half the size of the other. At our second stay at Walden one was noted feeding about our horses, at camp, in conapany with Brewer Blackbirds. After leaving the Park no more were seen except once about ten nailes south of Steamboat Springs. 57. Agelaius pheniceus fortis. Thick-billed Redwing. Observed at various places on the Divide and thence to River Bend, wherever there was a stream or waterhole. May 29, at a slough a mile or so west of Agate, Rockwell found a nest with three eggs, and one with four. It was at Big Muddy and