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THE CONDOR Vol. XIV THE CONDOll, A Magazine of Western Ornitholog Published BiMq0nthly by Cooper Omithole#levi Club J. GRINNELL. Edilor. Berkeley. Clifomlu HARRY S. SWARTH, Associate Edilor J. EVGENE LAW: ] W. LEE CHAMBERS  Hollywood, California: Published Mar, 20, 1912 .$UB.$CP [PTION RATE.S* One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States, Canada, Mexico and u,s. Colqnies, payable in advance Thirty Cents the single copy. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. Claims for missing or imperfect numbers should be made within thirty days of date of issue. Subscriptions and Fxckanfes should be sent to the Business Manager. l.nusorlpt$ for publl cation. and Books and Fper$ for review, should )e sent to the Editor. Advertising Rates on  pplication. EDITORIAL The report' of t} 1911 show the final be in better conditi gratifying conditio: credit upon Messr well as upon Mr. dered important for increased incoft The following is Manager's report TOTES AND NEWS e Business Managers for ces of the Cooper Club to cm than ever before. This of affairs reflects great Law and Chambers, as .B. Howell, who has ren- sistance in the campaign e. summary of the Business drawn up by Mr. Cham- bers: I Cash balance on hand Jan. 11, 1911..$ 163.97 Dues received during the year ....... 710.13 Subscriptions 'durifig the year 204.10 Received from sale of "Avifaunas".. 28.15 Received from sale of CONDORS ...... 124.90 Received from advertising .......... 38.50 Total receipts .................... $1269.75 Expenses of printing CONDOR ........ $ 712.82 Other expenses connected with CONDOR 191.93 Club expenses ...................... 31.65 Total expense ................... i 936.40 Balance on h'and Jan. 2, 1912 ....... i 333.35 Bills owing .......................... 151.40 Receipts for future business ........ 154.20 Net balance ....................... $ 27.76 Mr. Adriaan van Rossem is now located at San Salvador, Salvador, C. A., where he will remain for an extended period of bird work. He will pay especial attention to the transients and winter visitants from northern North America. , MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION DECEMBER-The December meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitho- logical Club was held on Thursday evening, the 28th, in the office of H. J. Lelande, no. 246 Wilcox Building, Los Angeles, with President Morcom in the chair and the fol- lowing members present: Messrs. H. T. Bohlman, W. [,e Chambers, F. S. Daggett, A. B. Howell, A.M. Ingersoll, C. C. Lamb, C. B. Linton, Loye Holmes Miller, R. M. Perez, Guy C. Rich, Howard Robertson, George WiIlett, J. E. Law. Theminutes of the November meeting were ead and approved. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Mil[ler and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Messrs. Sherwood Cof- fin, Chas. L. Whiteher, Mrs. L. L. Fox, Miss Sarah R. Atsatt, Miss Elizabeth Heald, Messrs. G. W. Stevens, and Wm. A. Strong, nominated at previous meeting. Applications were presented as follows: Frank M. Phelps, no. 212 E. 4th St., Elyria, Ohio, proposed by W. Lee Chambers; Lloyd Servis, Stockdale Ranch, Bakersfield, Calif., proposed by J. S. Douglas; Frank H. Renick, 1424 Belmont Ave., Seattle, Wash., pr9posed by J. Hooper Bowles. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Willerr and duly carried, the resignation of Mr. Wm. L. Holt was ordered laid on the table. The Secretary read the minutes of the Northern Division, also a recent query in re- gard to the Crow, mailed by Henry W. Hen- shaw, Chief of the Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The circular asks a number of questions in regard to present status of the crow, and members will do well to procure this circular and furnish such data as they may have. The meeting then proceeded to nomination of officers for 1912, resulting as follows: for President, G. Erean Morcom, nominated by Messrs. Willett and Lamb; for Vice-Presi- dent, H. J. Lelande, nominated by Messrs. Robertson and Miller; for Secretary, J. 'Law, nominated by Messrs. Willett and Rob- ertson. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Miller, and unanimously carried, a vote of thanks was extended to Messrs. Chambers and Howell for their active and successful work in increasing the membership of the Club. On motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lamb, a sincere vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Howard Robertson for his work in connection with the establishment of the new

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