A Week Afield in Southern Arizona (with seven photos) F.C. Willard Passerella slephensi in Marin County, California (with three photos) Joseph 3[ailliard Nesting of the Canada Goose at Lake Tahoe (with four photos)_ FROM FIELD AND STUDY Call Note of the Female California Quail Winter Range of the Yakutat Song Sparrow Unusual Nesting Date of Mourning Dove Notes from 'the San Joaquin Valley The Evening Grosbeak in [Iumbohlt County, California The Anthony Vireo { Vireo huttoni obscurus) The Costa Hummingbiff[ (with two photos) ....... Early Nesting of Allen Hummingbird at Santa Barbara EDITORIAl, NOTES AND NEwS ..... iIINUTES OF COOPER Cl,UB MEETINGS COMMUNICATION _ ]Firilion S. Ray 53 63 67 John W. ][ailliard 73 H. S. 3'warlh 73 ........ t. 2q. Howell 73 Joseph ][aitliard 74 C. I. Clay 74 Jenie V. Getty 74 J. B, Dixon 75 J. It. owles 77 78 ........... Waller . Taylor 80 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of 3arch 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. TEXT BOOK OF THE EMBRYOLOGY OF INVERTEBRATES By Dr. E. Korsehelt and Dr. K. Heider Translated from the German by Edward L. Mark, W. McM. Woodworth and Matilda Ber nard. Revised and edited with additional notes by Martin F. Woodward. The broadest, most coutprehensive and exhaustive work on the subject. In method of treat- tnent the authors proceed from the special to the general. The translators, on account of the rapid advance of the science .since the date of first publication, have supplemented the text by numerous additionS, both in the body of the text and in foot-notes, giving a succinct statement of the results of recent embryological research. In this work they were forhmate in having the co-operation of the authors themselves, and all interpolations in the text are bracketed, thus rendering it unnecessary to compare with the original to ascertain what is new. Each of these additions, together with the foot-notes, is followed by the initial of the author, or by the word "Translators' ', to indicate the persons responsible for the new matter. This work is comprised in four volumes as follows: Vol. I.--Porifera, Chidaria, Ctenophora, Vermes, Enteropneusta, Echinodermata. Vol. II.--Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Entoprocta, Crustacea, Palaeostraca. Vol. ._Arachnida' Pentastmidae Pantpda Tardgrada n yhphra Myripdansecta. Vol. IV.---Amphineura, Lamellibranchia, Solenoconcha, Gastropoda. Cephalopoda, Tunicata. Cephalochorda. The volumes are profusely illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut and unopened. N.Y. (The Mac- millan Co}. 1895-1900. Publishers' price, $14.25 net. OUR PRICE - $.75 FREDERICK LOESER & 00. In every detail the leading retail establishment of Brooklyn BROOKLYN - NEW YORK when replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR.