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For Sale, xchange and Want Column.--In this space members of the

Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CHAMBEaS, Eagde leock, Los Angeles Co., CaL NoTicE--The Power Boat Flyer will make an extended trip to Lower California waters about April 1st, 1912 (sailing date subject to pleasure of passengers); two berths taken; six more open. Collectors desiring to make the trip notify us as early as possible. XVe will visit any locality desired by collectors while in these waters. The Flyer is 3 years old, 45 feet long, 11 feet beam. Equipped with sails and a new 30 h. p. 3 cyl. Standard Gas Engine; speed (3 tests with engine half open), 86 n]iles, 9 hours. Charge for this trip very reason- able. This is a trip worth while. XVrite C. B. LINTON, 125 . Ocean tve., Long Beach, Ca/if FOR EXCHSNGE--O. & O. vol. 17, nos. I to 9 inclusive; Journ. Maine Orn. Sac., vol. 2, no. 1; Birds of Vheeler Survey; 34 publications of the California Academy of Sciences; Catalog of Water Birds of California, Bryant; Catalog of Birds of Lower California, Bryant; Additions to Ornithology of Guadalupe Island, Bryant. Also 391 1-4, 122 54, 346 1-2. Vill exchange above for sets. Send lists. H.F. Dixon, Calif. VaNTE--Correspondence with all persons who have done any kind of ornithological work in Vyoming. Send me names and addresses of yourselves and friends. ERNEST PILLSBURY XVaR, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Wyom., Laramie, I47yom. VaNtrEWilson Bulletin 2,4;The Galagist, Utica, N. ., vol. I complete; II, 1, 2; III, 8, 9; IV, complete; V, complete; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornith. Club, vol. I, odd nos. . LEE CHaaERS, Eagle Rock, Los 'Ingeles Co., CaL VNTED--Audubon Ornith. Biography, vols. 2, 4, 5; Nuttall, Manual, 1840, 2 vols.; Bull. Cooper Club, I, no. 1; Bird Lore, vol. II, no. 2; and others. Also bird skins. B. H. SwaLes, Grosse lie, ]Plich. WaNE--Ornlthologigt & agiogist, vol. no. 2, Feb. 1888; Osprey 3, no. 7. O. Vm- xm% 515 Van Vetsen St., St. Louis, ]fro. FOR EXCHANGE--A. O. U. Nos. 1 1-4, 1-4; 11 1-2; 16 1-1; 44 1-3; (85) 1-1; 202 1-4; 201 1-5; 263 1-4; 329 1-2:339 1-3; 342 1-2; 346 1-2; (359.1) 1-5; 389 1-4; 390 1-7; 394c 1-5; 412a 1-7; 467 1-4; 477 1-5; 487 1-4; 498 1-4; 498c 1-2; 511b 1-4; 517 1-3; 529 1-4; 540 1-4; 549 1-4; 550 1-4; 560 1-4; 563 1-4; 581 1-4; 587 1-3; 598 1-4; 608 1-2; 624 1-4; 648a 1-3; 659 1-4; 673 1-4; 674 1-5; 681 1-4; 687 1- 4; 704 1-4; 721 1-6; 755a 1-4; 755 1-4; V'andering Albatross 1-1; Rock-hopper Penguin, single; King Penguin 1-1, end blown. JOHN H. FLaN- &GAN, 10 14/eybossel SI., Providence, R. I. FoR SaLE--Report on Bird Migratiox in the Mississippi Valley (Cook); The English spar- row in North America (Barrows); Auk,vols. 6 to 28; Birds of the Colorado Valley (Cones); Bird of the Northwest (Cones); Hawks and Owls of the U.S. (Fisher); Bird Lore, vols. 1 to 12. %Vrite for complete list. W.L. BURNETT, Fort Collins, Colo. VaNTE--Osprey, vol. 1, No. 2: Osprey, vol. 4, nos. 8, 9, 10. C.J. PENNOCg, Kennell Square, Pa. VaNTm)--A few skins of Golden Plover in exchange for California skins and sets, also A1 set of Black Oystercatcher to exchange for set of roodcock. G. VILLETT, 2123 Court St., Los Mngeles, CaL WaNT VOR CasH--Best market prices paid for Bird-Lore vol. 2 no. 2 and Vilson Bulletin nos. 4, 6, 7 & 8. Louis S. KOHLER, Bloomfield, XVaNT--Choice sets of 453a---455a---363-- 469--640--646-- 646b--947--651--652b--660--662 --663a--664--672-- 675a--681c  681e --682 -- 537 --540--540a-- 540b--542--542b--546a-- 554a-- 559--563a-- 565 -- 566-- 567e -- 568  570 a-- 573a --574a--576579---580-- 580a-- 580b-- 582 -- 585 585b--594--594b--597a-- 610a--621 -- 525629a 429c--630--631a632c--634. A. I. PRICE, Grant Park, IlL BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTVEAR EUIPMENT Small calibre guns and amunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The Win. H. B0eee Co., Inc. Greatest Sporting Goods House on the Pacific Coast Phones Home 10087: Main 8447 x38-x42 South Main St., Xos Angeles

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