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A. O. U. and to come into closer personal sym- pathy with them, be it "Resolved, that the Cooper Ornithological Club hereby extends a cordial invitation to the American Ornithologist$' Union to hold its annual meeting for 1915 in San Francisco jointly with the Cooper Ornithological Club." There being no further business the program of the evening was then taken up. Mr. H. C. Bryant spoke on "The Relation of Birds to an Insect Outbreak in Northern California's , the history of a plague of butterflies in Shasta County, and the species of birds found feeding on them. Adjourned.--H. S. SWXRT, Sec- retary. NOVIMBIR.--The November meting of the Northern Division was held on the 18th at the Museum Of Vertebrate Zoology, with President Mailliard in the chair and the following mem- bers present: Messrs. Heinemann, Grinnell, Cartiger, Gifford, Ray, Anderson, Fisher, Camp, Coggins, and Swarth. The minutes of the October meeting were read, followed by th.e_ Southern Division minutes for Sep- tember. George W. Sehussler, and John B. Litsley, Jr., whose names. were presented last month by H. W. Cartiger, were elected to membership. The following new names were proposed: Charles L. Whiteher and Mrs. L. L. Fox, of Los Olivos, California, both presented by Vernon Bailey; Miss Sarah R. Atsatt, Los Angeles, and Miss Elizabeth Heald, Berkeley, presented by H. C. Bryant; F. H. Ottmer, Eureka, presented by C. I. Clay; and R. L. More, Vernon, Texas, and R. T. Moore, Haddonfield, New Jersey, presented by W. Lee Chambers. A suggestion of Mr. A. B. Howell's was brought to the attention of the meeting--that a member be appointed in each town represented at the meeting, to secure the subscription to THE CONDOR, of their respective public libra- ries. In accordance with this suggestion the chair made the following appointments: In Berkeley, W. P. Taylor, in Alameda, E. W. Gifford, in Oakland, R. S. Wheeler, in Palo AIo, W. K. Fisher, in San Francisco, H. L. Coggins, and in Sierra Madre, Charles Camp. The matter of holding an annual club dinner, as heretofore, was decided in the affirmative, and the chair appointed Mr. John W. Mailliard a committee of one to attend to the necessary details. A communication from the secretary of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies was then placed before the 'meeting, containing the following matters to be acted upon: (1) the five dollars yearly dues of the Cooper Club is now payable; (2) the Chemical Society has ap- plied for admission to the Pacific Association. Shall this organization be voted into member- ship? (3) Shall March 5, 6, 7, be the dates, and Stanford University the place, of the next annual meeting of the Association ? The first, as a recognized obligation of the Club, required no formal action, further than that the secre- tary notify the treasurer of the fact. The two other questions were answered in the affirma- tive. The nomination of officers for 1912 was next taken up, and the following selections were made: President, H. L. Coggins; Vice-presi- dent, H. W. Carriger; Secretary, H. S. Swarth. Mr. J. Mailliard, as chairman of the consti- tution committee, reported that the new con- stitution had been received by him from the Southern Division, that that Division had adopted the coustitution with certain slight changes, that the committee could see no ob- jection to the changes that had been made, and that the committee recommended the adoption of the constitution as it now stood. This was accordingly done. Mr. Grinnell entertained the meeting with a talk on certain questions relative to the geo- graphical distribution of animals, demonstrat- ing his points with certain recently ascertained facts relative to the respective ranges of two of the southern California song sparrows, Melos- piza m. cooperi and M. r. saigonis. Adjourned. --I-I. S. SWAR'IH, Secretary. DIIMBIR.--The December meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Saturday evening, Decem- ber 16. Vice-president Carriger was in the chair and the following members present: Messrs. Camp, Coggins, Grinnell, Gifford, Taylor and Swarth. The minutes of the No- vember meeting were read. The following, whose names were presented at the previous meeting, were elected to membership: Mrs. L. L. Fox, Miss Sarah R. Atsatt, Miss Elizabeth Heald, C. L. Whitcher, F. H. Ottmer, R. L. More, and R. T. Moore. New names were pre. sented as follows: 81aerwood Coffin, proposed by Joseph Mailliard aud Ernest Mailliard; L. W. Welch, proposed by L. H. Miller, and G. W. Stevens and W. A. Strong, proposed by A. B. Howell. A communication from the sec- retary of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies was read, stating that tke Geographi- cal Society of the Pacific had applied for mem- bership in the Association. The division voted "yes" on the application. The election of officers for the Northern Division for 1912 then took place, with the following results: Presi- dent, H. L. Coggins; Vice-president, H. W. Carriger; Secretary, H. S. Swarth. W. P. Taylor spoke on "The Laws of Temp- erature Control, with special reference to the birds of the Mt. Whitney Region", his remarks calling forth considerable discussion from h'is auditors. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARrlt, Sec- retary.

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