Jan., 1912 inviting the A. O. U. to meet in San Francisco in 1915 in conjunction with the Cooper Orni- thological Club was adopted. Mr. Grinnell then gave a very interesting talk covering his summer's work and the faunal problems that he has been endeavoring to work out. Adjourned.--J. E. Law, Secretary. NOVEMER.--The November meeting of the Southern Division was held on Friday evening, December 1, in the office of H. J. Lelande, 246 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, with President Morcom in the chair and the following mem- bers present: W Lee Chambers, F. S. Dag- gett, H. Grey, O. W. Howard, A. B. Howell, Antonin Jay, H. J. Lelande, C. C. Lamb. Dr. T. S. Palmer, Miss Elizabeth Palmer, L. G. Peyton, Guy C. Rich, Howard Robertson, L. W. Welch, George Willett, J. E. Law. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Lamb, and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active mem- bership, Messrs. F. H. Ottmer, R. T. Moore, R. L. More, Geo. W. Schussler, John B. Lit- sley, Jr., and L.W. Welch, nominated at pre- vious meeting. Applications were presented as follows: Sher- wood Coffin, San Francisco, proposed by Joseph Mailliard; Chas. L. Whitcher, and Mrs. L. L. Fox, Los Olivos, Calif., proposed by Vernon Bailey; Sarah R. Atsatt, Los Angeles, and Eliza- beth Heald, Berkeley, both proposed by H. C. Bryant; G. W. Stevens, Alva, Oklahoma, pro- posed by A. B. Howell; Win. A. Strong, San Jose, Calif., proposed by A. B. Howell. On motion made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Peyton, and duly carried, the applica- tion of the Chemical Society and the Ge.ograph- ical Society of the Pacific, were approved for membership in the Pacific Association of Scien- tific Societies, and Marcl 5, 6, 7, 1912, were ap-. proved as the dates and Stanford University as the place for the next annual meeting of the P. A. S.S., and the Business Manager was in- structed to remit $5.00 to said Association to cover the annual dues. Mr. Robertson made a short verbal report on the progress of the Museum of Science, History and Art, on whose Board of Governors he is the member from the Cooper Ornithological Club. He reports that the Museum is rapidly nearing completion and that Mr. F. S. Daggett has been appointed by the Board of Governors as Director of the Museum. Mr. Daggett has already assumed control and the Cooper Club is congratulating itself that one of its members has been available for this position. The Mu- seum has. been taken out of politics and its maintenance for a period of fifty years has been provided for. The Board of Governors are to consist of representatives of the leading scien- tific societies of this locality. Mr. Daggett has already secured valuable materiM in the ossils taken from the Rancho la Brea beds, and this feature alone will be enough to make the Mu- seum a great one. Few people realize the amount of material of this kind already on hand. A paper entitled "A Visit to Nootka Sound," by H. S. Swarth was read by the Secretary. An insighf was given into the history of this locality as well as the physical conditions of the region. The paper included a list of all the birds noted there. The Club then listened to a very interesting talk by Dr. T. S. Palmer on the bird reserva- tions of the United States, of which he has charge. There are fifty-one of- these at the present time, and scattered as they are throughout the country some very interesting features are presented. It is expected that aside from the protection of the birds them- selves, some very noteworthy problems will be worked out through the facilities thus placed at the naturalist's disposal. The Club gave a unanimous vote of thanks to Dr. Pahner for his instructive talk, after which it adjourned. --J. E. L,w, Secretary. NORTHERN DIVISION OCToER.--The October meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Saturday evening, October 21. Vice-president H. W. Cartiger was in the chair, and the following members present: E.W. Gifford, H. L. Coggins, M. S. Ray, O. J. Heineharm, H. C. Bryant, J. Griu- nell, W. P. Taylor, and H. S. Swarth. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. The following applications for membership were presented: George W. Schussler, San Francisco, Calif., and John B. Litsley, Fort Worth, Texas, both presented by H. W. Carriger. J. S. Douglas, Bakersfield, Cal., and E. J. Darlington,'Wilmington, Dela-- ware, whose names were read last month, were elected tb membership in the Club. The following resolution, offered by W. P. Taylor, was unanimously passed, and ordered sent to the Southern Division for approval, and to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Ameri- can Ornithologists' Union: "Whereas no meeting of the American Orni- thologists' Union has been hell in the west since 1903, and "Whereas the progress of the science of Orni- thology will be best subserved through a closer co-operation of those interested in it through- out the nation, and "Whereas the members of the Cooper Orni- thological Club sincerely desire to enlarge their acquaintanceship among members of the