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Vol. XIV expense incurred for.the publication of THE CONDOR, special publications, and necessary ex- penses of the Secretary of either Division. 'All other bills shall be first authorized by the Division for whose benefit the said expense is 'incurred before they shall be paid by the Bud- hess-manager. Sec. 4. Any active melnber who shall fail to pay any dues charged against him within four m0hths after being notified of his delinquency may be subject to suspension from the Club. ARTICLE X. Scientific Publicaliom Sec. 1. The official organ of the Club shall be "THE CONDOR", a hi-monthly periodical published by the Club. Sec. 2. The proceedings of each meeting of each Division shall be briefly reported in THE CONDOR, together with such other matter as the Editor nay deem advisable. Sec. 3. The Editor may, at his discretion, appoint one or more associates to serve through the current year. Sec. 4. All pnblicatir)ns of the Club shall be mailed to all active members in good standing, and to all honorary members. Sec. 5. The Club shall have the 13ower to publish such reports, proceedings, memoirs, or other works on Ornithology as may be author- ized at any regular or special meeting of either Division, and ratified at the succeeding meet- ing of the other Division, and to supervise and direct their distribution as it may see fit. The Editor of THE CONDOR shall act also as Editor, with such associates as he may appoint, of any other publications of the Club. ARTICLE XI. . Amendments Sec. 1. This Constitution may be amended at the pleasure of the Club; such amendments shall be in writing, and must be proposed at a regular meeting of one Division, action to be taken at the next regular meeting. Amend- ments must be passed by a majority vte of the members present, and ratified similarly by the other Division. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION SEPTEMItER.--The September meeting of the Southern Division was held on Thursday even- iug, September 28, in the office of H. J. Lelande, 246 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, with President Morcom in the chair and the following members present: Howard Robertson, F. S. Daggett, H. J. Lelande, Loye Hohnes Miller, O. W. How- ard, George Willett, A. B. Howell, Antonin Jay, Otto Zahn and J. E. Law. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Lelande, sec- onded by Mr. Zahn and duly carried, the Secre- tary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Messrs. E.J. Darlington and Bernard Bailey, proposed at the last meeting. Applications were presented from Mr. J. S. Douglas, Bakers- field, Calif., proposed by W. Lee Chambers, and Mr. L. W. Welch, Long Beach, Calif., pro- posed by Loye Holmes Miller. The Club then took up the discussion of the new constitution which had been returned by the Northern Division with slight amendments to three of the articles. These were discussed at length and detailed modifications adopted. Finally, on motion of Mr. Lelande, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanimously carried, the new constitution as then amended was adopted in its entirety. The Secretary then read the minutes of the Northern Division for September, after which the meeting was adjourned.--J. E. Lt, w, Sec- retary. OCTouER.--The October meeting of the South- ern Division was held on Thursday evening, October 26, in the office of H. J. Lelande, 246 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, with President Moreore in the chair and the following mem- bers present: W. Iee Chambers, F. S. Daggett, Evan Davis, Henry Grey, 'J. Grinnell, A. B. Howell, Antonin Jay, tt. J. Lelande, J. E. Law, C. C. Lamb, Loye Hohnes Miller, Guy C. Rich, Howard Robertson, H. C. Tracy, George Wil- lett, and Otto Zahn. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Lelande and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active mem- bership Mr. J. S. Douglas proposed at last meet- ing. Applications were presented as follows: Dr. F. H. Ottmer, Eureka, Calif., proposed by C. Irvin Clay; Robert Thomas Moore, 46 Mansion Ave., Haddonfield, N.J., R. L. More, Vernon, Texas, both proposed by W. Lee Chambers; George W. Sehussler, 1345 Oak Street, San Francisco, John B. Litsley, Jr., 1722 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas, both pro-"- posed by H. W. Cartiger. On motion made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Zahn and duly carried, the business managers. were authorized to use their judg- ment in the matter of printing copies of the new Constitution. The minutes of the North- ern Division for October were read by the SeC- retary. On motion of Mr..Robertson, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanimously carried, the resolution adopted by the Northern Division

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