Jan., 1912
i'"i .:3 ::::; '"" CONSTITUTION OF ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB ' ''g 49 Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called in either Division by the President thereof, pro- vided that due notice be given by the Secretary to the members of such Division. Sec. 3. Seven active members shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of either Division. See. 4. The regular meetings of the Club shall be open to the public, except when deemed inexpedient for special reasons. ARTICLE VII. Resioenalions and Ecpulsions See. 1. All resignations shall be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of either Division, and may be accepted by a majority of those present at the next regular meeting, provided all dues and assessments of such resigning member shall be paid to the date of filing of resignation. See. 2. Any member may be expelled from the Club on satisfactory evidence that such member is an improper person to be connected with the Club. Such expulsion must be by motion in writing, signed by two active mem- bers in good standing, and introduced at a regular meeting of either Division. Such motion shall specify the grounds alleged to render such member an improper person. Upon the introduction of such motion the Sec- retary shall at once notify the member of such motion and transufit a copy thereof to him. Evidence may be produced at the next regular meeting in support of the motion, and the member shall be allowed to be present and to present such evidence in rebuttal as he may have. After such evidence has been presented, the President of the Division shall submit the question to the members and a two-thirds vote by ballot of the members present shall be neces- sary in order to pass such motion; provided, however, that the action of a Division in the expulsion of a member shall be ratified by the other Division before such member shall be deemed to have been expelled. ARTICLE VIII. Powers Defined Sec. 1. Each Division shall, in the manner provided by this Constitution, have the power to elect new members to the Club subject to the approval of the other Division, to elect its own officers, levy such assessments as it sees fit, frame, adopt and amend such By-Laws for its own government as may not conflict with this Constitution, and perform such other functions as may come within its province. In case of disagreement between the Northern and South- ern Divisions upon any matter appertaining to the Club as a whole, such matter shall be balloted upon by each Division at a regular meeting within two months of the time of such disagreement; snch ballots shall be counted in open meeting of the Division in which cast; the Secretary of the Southern Division shall immediately forward the result in his Division to the Secretary of the Northern Division and the matter shall be decided by the majority of the total number of votes cast, for or against, by the two Divisions. In case of a tie the matter shall be brought up in the same manner at the 'next regular meeting of each Division, and votes canvassed as above. Sec. 2. Fach Chapter shall be amenable to the two Divisions of the Club, and shall be entitled to elect such officers asare necessary to its organization and operation. The Secretary of a Chapter shall make reports including transcript of minutes pronptly following each meetiug to the Secretary of both Divisions. A Chapter may levy assessments upon its own members, but shall not incur any indebtedness in the name of the Club. Each Chapter may elect its members in the manner provided in this Constitution, such action to be acted npon by both Divisions at the first regular meeting following. Any papers read before any Chapter meeting shall be transmitted immediately thereafter to the Editor of TIE COS)OR to be held by him for the Club. Sec. 3. Whenever any public or other in- stitution shall preseut a request to either Division for its co-operation or supervision in connection with the establishment and mainte- nance of any museum or other enterprise look- ing to the promotion of ornithological study and research, then such Division shall be empow- ered to undertake such co-operation or super- vision on approval by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting and ratification at the next regular meeting of the other Division, and to appoint in the usual way proper committee or representative for such purposes, and such committee or rep<esentative duly appointed shall have power to act in the name of the Cooper Ornithological Club, pro- vided that neither Division nor its representa- tives shall have the power to incur any indebt- edness in the name of the Club, except when duly authorized by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting of each Division. ARTICLE IX. Finances Sec. 1. The dues of an active member shall be two dollars ($2.00) per annum, payable to the Business-manager in January of each year. Sec. 2. Life members shall pay the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) in full of all dues. Sec. 3. All bills for current expense' of either Division shall be paid by the Business-manager of the Club out of the general fund, including