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Vol. XI Divisions, and shall be acted upon at the second subsequent meeting of each Division. A two- thirds vote by ballot of the members present affa regular meeting of each Division shall be necessary to elect an applicant to active mem- bership. Sec. 5. Every application for active member- ship shall be accompanied by the sum of two dollars ($2.00), as dues for the calendar year, in consideration of which the member shall be entitled to all publications of the Club for such calendar year, and to all benefits accruing to active members of the Club. This fee shall be transmitted to the Business-manager of the Club. In event of rejection said fee shall be refunded to applicant. Sec. 6. Any person who shall, in the opinion of the Club, have rendered sufficiently valuable service in the advancement of western Ornith- ology, shall be eligible to honorary membership in the Club. Sec. 7. All propositions for conferring hon- orary membership shall be in writing and signed by at least four active members of the Club and filed with the Secretary of either Division. Such a proposition shall be acted upon at a regular meeting of the Division in which it is introduced, when it shall be sent to the other Division for similar action. A unan- imous vote at a regular meeting of each Division shall be necessary to confer the degree of hon- orary membership. Honorary members shall be exempt from all dues of either Division of the Club, and shall be entitled to all the rights -and privileges of active members. A RTICIE IV. Ocers Sec. 1. The officers of each Division shall consist of a President, Vice-president. and Sec- retary. There shall also be an Editor and one or more Business-managers of THE CoNDoR chosen from the active members of the Club, who shall be nominated by the officers of both Divisions acting as a committee of the whole, such nominations to be submitted for the ap- proval of the two Divisions at the February meeting of each year, and, in order to stand, shall receive the approval by ballot of two- thirds Of the members present at such meet- ings. Sec. 2. In case of public meetings, or general meetings at which both Divisions shall be rep- resented, such meeting shall be presided over by the President of the Division nearest whose home, as indicated above, such meeting shall be held, and the Secretary of the other Division shall act as recording officer. In case of in- ability for any reason of either of these officers to act, then their vice-officer shall be the like officer of the other Division. Sec. 3. The Secretary of each Division shall keep a record of the meetings of the Club; shall give notice of the time and place of meetings at least one week in advance to members who re- quest it and so signify in writing; shall notify. those members-elect whose application first came to him of their enrollment as members in good standing; .shall conduct the correspond- ence of the Division, and perform such other duties as properly devolve on this office. Sec. 4. The Busiuess-manager shall have control of the finances of the Club; shall re- ceive all dues from members, subscriptions to official organ and donations, and shall receipt for same; shall expend the funds of the Club in the payment of debts authorized by the Club; shall supervise the raising of special funds, by private subscription or otherwise, and expend same as directed by the Club; and shall render a report to each Division in January of each year, and at such other times as may be re- quired. The Business-manager may appoint one or more assistants. Sec. 5. The Editor of THE CONDOR shall decide upon all matters usually pertaining to the conduct of a periodical, providing that nothing thereby conflicts with the purposes or exceeds the resources of the Club. Sec. 6. Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled until the next annual election by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the Division in which vacancy may occur, except that where vacan- cies occur in offices regularly requiring election by both Divisions, new officers to fill such vacancies shall be re-nominated and re-elected in the regular way at the first meeting follow- ing such vacancy. ARTICLE v. Elections Sec. 1. The nominations for officers in each Division shall be made at the last meeting in each year. Sec. 2. The election of officers in each Division shall occur in January in each year, and the term of office shall begin immediately after election and extend until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3. The election of all officers shall be separately and by ballot, a majority vote of the members present being necessary to election. ARTICLE vI. reetins Sec. 1. Stated and special meetings of the Divisions of the Club may be provided for as deemed expedient by each Division, provided that not more than two months shall elapse between any two stated meetings, unless by postponement for unusual cause.

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